Ferny, Dorian, Bruce, Freya, Omar, Romeo, Patches, Playful and Baby enter the hotel for the reception.

The wedwink party is joined at the head table by Sunny and Dobbin, Mull and Bogey, Levi's wedwink Scraps, Maggie and Neek.
Levi: Mewsette an E.T., mew are boff such good furriends of mine an I think I speak fur all yer furriends here dat we all are so furry happy fur mew boff.
I would like to make a toast to the happy couple:
To the wings of love:
May they never lose a feather,
But soar up to the sky above,
And last furefur an efur.
Thank mew, Levi. That was so luffly.

E.T.: Are mew ready to cut our wedwink cake, sweetheart?
Mewsette: Oh yes, if mew put your paw ofur mine, we can do it togeffur.
E.T.: Here we go, dere's da first piece. Hmmm.
Mewsette: Ummmm, mew aren't gonna squash it in my mouf, are mew?
E.T.: Well.. heehee! Somekitty close to mew could clean it off if I did...
Mewsette: Mewhehe! (whispurr) not in front of all the guests?