Frenchie, Phelicity, Clancy, Ginger, Brindle and Spartacus prepare to join Mewsette and E.T. for der furst dance. But furst......
Mewsette: Well, sweet boy, I think it's time. Didn't mew say mew wanted my garter?
E.T.: I sure did, mewhehe! Mew gonna let me get it? Right here?
Mewsette: If mew can find it....
As mew can see, E.T.'s quest fur his bride's garter was successful.

(Rear) Sheik and Bitsy, Dolly and Goldie, Taffy and Sir Twombly Thom, George, Sammey and (Front) Biggie and Elizabeth discover da seafood portion of da buffet.
Sheik: I thought my nose would find it. Dis way, Bitsy.
Bitsy: I knew it! Now this luffly reception is purrfect. Let's get closer to the lobster. Quickly.
Biggie: Grab somma dem shrimps, Liz, here she comes.
Dolly, Goldie, Elizabeth: Yumm, let's be fast, gurls!
Taffy: Letz us go an dance, Twombly. Da mewsic's purrdy.
Twombly: Uh ... good idea.
George: I'm gonna go find Ginger to dance wiff me.
Sammye: I'ze juss gonna goze ... uh, getz anudder nipzbeer.