The last day

Ginger: Look! Let's go in here an get some crepes suzettes

Phelicity: Yeah, dey's furry French, an we can get whipped cream on.

E.T.: Dat sounds good. Den what do mew wanna see furst? I didn't hear either of mew make up yer minds.

Ginger: Palaces!

Phelicity: Yeah, palaces!

E.T.: Okay, we're gonna want our taxi driver.

E.T.: Here it is, da Crystal Palace! It doesn't look as old as dey say.

Phelicity: It looks so grand! Dis is where dey had da furst cat show efur in Paris, in 1926.

Ginger: How did mew know dat?

Phelicity: Cuz my oldest ancestor, Poupee de Madalpour, was in da show. Da Palace gotted damaged in da big War, I think. But it's been renovated.

Ginger: Look how sparkley it is inside!

E.T.: Mew know where Poupee might haff been in here?

Phelicity: No, I doesn't got any idea. But now I haff been here, too!

E.T.: Dis one is a real Palace! It's da Grand Palais. An look across da street.

Ginger: Der's another one! Dats da Petit Palais, isn't it?

Phelicity: Wowies..wouldn't it be nice to liff in a.... no, I guess not.

E.T.: We'd be lost all da time. We can go in an look around, tho. Just don't get lost!

Phelicity: Let's go shopping on da Boulevard again, can we?

E.T.: Sure, we got time.

Ginger: Let's get lunch furst, I'm starffing.

E.T.: Okay. Der are more great bistros here dan we could efur try!

Phelicity: An we could go to da Galleries Lafayette, an..

E.T.: Hold on now! Mewhehe! By den it'll be time to get to da airport fur our plane home dis efening.

Ginger: We were hoping mew would furget. *mewgiggles*


E.T.: C'mon girls, hurry! We're gonna miss da plane!

Ginger: Would dat be so bad? I mean... Phelicity! Run!

Phelicity: I'm sayin goodbye to Paris! I'm runnin! I'm runnin!

Ginger: We're almost home! Look, der's da Statue of Liberty!

E.T.: Mew know, France made dat statue fur our country. Dat was real nice of dem.

Phelicity: Yeah. Oui. But it's still daylight after all dese hours?!

Ginger: Good grief, an I'm starffing! Do we hafta wait long fur dinner?

E.T.: We'll get dinner at da airport as soon as we land, okay?

Phelicity: I hope we can go back to Paris someday. Wasn't it magnifique!