Ginger: We got downstairs ahead of E.T. again!

Phelicity: I knows, is dis amazing or what!

E.T.: Der must be somethin in da air in Paris, girls. An .. mew both look gorgeous!

Ginger: What a fancy restaurant, wow! Do we haff to whispurr?

Phelicity: How elegant! Can we get champagne?.

E.T.: Sure, dis is a champagne night! Let's follow da maitre d' to our table.

Ginger: Okay, which one is he?

Phelicity: Da waiter wiff da towel on his shoulder?

E.T.: No, da one in a tux like mine.

After a fabulous dinner.....

Ginger: Da Moulin Rouge! Oh, dis is so exciting, eek!

E.T.: We're just in time fur da furst show. I heard it's spectacular!

Phelicity: Dey dances da can-can! I saw it inna movie. An we's gonna see it fur real!

Phelicity: Boy, I sure wanted to dance da can-can too, didn't mew?

Ginger: My feets could hardly keep still! Wasn't dat mesmerizing?

Phelicity: It was magnifique! How come mew was holdin our paws so tight, E.T.?

E.T.: Ohhhh... juss being sure mew didn't get lost in da crowd. or on da stage. *grin*

Stranger: Pardonez moi, Monsier...allow me to introduce myself. I am Francois from Montmartre.

E.T.: Nice to meet ya. I'm E.T. from da United States.

Francois: Ahh... an which of dese enchanting mademoiselles is yers, an which is not spoken fur?

E.T.: Well.. *ahem* ..da girls are my sisfur an my sisfur-in-law ... *ahem*

Francois: Ahh .. den I may speak to either of dem and offer my company?

E.T.: Uh .. I guess so .. if dey agree ..(but I'll be watchin).

Ginger: Oooh, did mew hear dat? Bat yer eyes, Phelicity!

Phelicity: I'm battin! I'm battin!

Francois: Enchante', Mademoiselles. My name is Francois.... may I haff da honor of guiding yu all through da Pigalle an da Latin Quarter?

The kitties were out enjoying Paris until nearly dawn. Luckily, the Latin Quarter
is near their hotel. We leave the flirting to your imagination.