Yes! Yes! Yes!

Ginger: What a elegant boutique! Dey gots purrty dresses in here!

Phelicity: An purrty scarfs. I need scarfs, I losted all mine.

Ginger: An we need new dresses. I spilt wine all ofur mine yesterday.

Phelicity: Lookit, isn't dis cute? It gots Paris stuff on it,

Ginger: Oh yes! Look how purrty dis is, wiff da long ribbon. I luff dresses wiff ribbons.

Phelicity: Yes, it does look tasty .... uh .... fashionable. *mewgiggles*

Ginger: We haff time to try dem on. E.T. took a taxi to get to da Bastille.

Phelicity: Lookit! Dey's called Marie Antoinette slippers!

Ginger: Oh how purrty, an dey's comfy-lookin, too. Let's get dem.

Phelicity: We might could get some French nighties, too.

Ginger: I think dis is nighties ofur here. Uh .... *blush* .. I think.

Phelicity: Oh ...*blush* ... well, maybe not, we gots plenny of flannel jammies at home.

E.T.: Oboy, am I glad I stopped by here! Dat's da best statue of Napoleon , wow! Guess I better hurry now.

Phelicity: Here we are, right on time! Sorta.

Ginger: Can we get drinks an a snack? We're starffing.

E.T.: Sure, let's go in. So did mew two buy out da shops?

Phelicity: Nope, not efen close. But we missed a few.

Ginger: Did mew haff a good time at da battles, E.T.?

E.T.: Oh yeah, I had a great time. An took some good pictures, too

Phelicity: Was Napoleon dere?

E.T.: No, not really. He was waiting fur me somewheres else. *grin*

Ginger: *whispurr* Whatefur does he mean? Oh well, I'm glad he's happy.