Day two

Phelicity: Dis is da furry street one of my Birman ancestors liffed on. His name was Antoine.

Ginger: Maybe we can find his house!

E.T.: Dey are all close in nice neat rows. What's da number, fifty-eight?

Phelicity: Yes .. dat's juss about how many years ago he liffed here, too. Can mew imagine?

Ginger: It does look like furry old houses. Dey's elegant, too.

E.T.: Dat's sure a long time ago. But we'll find it.

Phelicity: It's here! Oh my, I'm walkin in the same place Antoine walked!

Ginger: We could follow our noses to here. Oh my, dis is sniff heaven.

Phelicity: Can we get some flowers to take back to da hotel? I knows dey won't last, but.....

E.T.: Well, sure we will! Girls in Paris should always get flowers.

Ginger: *whispurr* He's so sweet. Lookit dat boy ofur dere. He's flirtin wiff us.

Phelicity *whispurr* I knows, isn't he cute? Let's swish our skirts when we walks.

E.T.: Let's take dese back to yer room, an ... okay, what's all da swishin about?

E.T.: Wowies, here it is! Da Notre Dame Cathedral.

Phelicity: I heard about dis inna movie. Dis is where da hunchback almost threw Esmerelda off da top of it!

Ginger: Eeek! Really? I wonder how in da world he got up der!

E.T.: Well, inside der's .... huh? Esmerelda? What?

Phelicity: Sure! An he really luffed her, mew see, but ...

Ginger: I don't think he saw da movie. *mewgiggles* Can we go in?

E.T.: Sure we can, it's open. Let's go.

Phelicity: Good, I gots a crick in my neck.

E.T.: Dis looks like a nice bistro. Wanna stop an get lunch?

Ginger: Oh goodness yes, I thought mew'd nefur ask!

Phelicity: Let's get a furry French lunch! What's dis on da menu, Escar-goats. Is dat word goats?

E.T.: Nope, dat isn't goats. But I don't think mew girls want it.

Ginger: Why not? What is it?

E.T.: *whispurr*

Phelicity: Ewww. Let's get somethin wrapped in pastry, like dem room-a-lots.

Ginger: Dat sounds good. An some fromage. Dat soft, round kind wiff da shell.

Phelicity: Dat was brie. Maybe laters we can stop in dat fromage shop, too.

After lunch....

E.T.: Wanna go see da Bastille?

Phelicity: What's da Bastille, a bait shop?

E.T.: Well, it's a furry tall tower...

Ginger: Like da Eiffel Tower?

E.T.: No, not dat tall, but round and smooth. And inside, der's dungeons an stuff.

Phelicity: What?? Eeeeek!

E.T.: It was da scene of a great battle a long time ago.

Ginger: Oh bout mew go see da battles an dungeons...

Phelicity: we go shopping on da Rue .. uh ... whatefur dat Rue is.

E.T. goes to the Bastille

E.T. Wow, dat was spectacular! I better not tell da girls about da dungeons. Or about da gift shops! I wonder how many dresses dey bought by now. *gulp* I better get back an find dem.