E.T.: Wanna go in here? Da menu has good snacks, besides wine.

Ginger: Yeah, let's get some French wine an some .. what's a fromage?

Phelicity: Well, it comes wif a baguette... ummm ... dat's dem long things in da bakery.

E.T.: Mew left da French dictionary in yer room, huh? Da picture looks like cheese.

Ginger: Mmmm, I luff cheese! An dis is sooo creamy! It's called Breee

Phelicity: Ooooh, an da wine is a purrty pink. Dis is vin rose'.

E.T.: I hope dey got nipz beer in Paris. Ahh ... yup.

Ginger: Da waiter said da bag-ette is wet!

Phelicity: I doesn't want a wet one, I wants it dry.

E.T.: I think da waiter was juss pronouncing it right. Mewhehe!

Ginger: Real French perfumes! We haff to go in here! E.T.'s in da coin shop across da street.

Phelicity: I luffs perfumes! I had one called Efening in Paris once ... I wonder ....

Ginger: I like da purple bottles, but da scent of dis pink one is toooo heafenly.

Phelicity: Ooooh, yes...smell dis one. It's swoony, an da bottle is efen bluuuue.

Ginger: Dey haff boys' colognes, too. Should we get one fur E.T.?

Phelicity.: Oh, absotootly! Dis one is niiiice. I hope he likes it.


Phelicity.: We can see da River Seine from here.

E.T.: Let's go fur a taxi ride an see it better.

Ginger: My goodness, a whole river right thru da middle of da city!

Phelicity.: Wowies! Are we going ofur dat bridge?

E.T.: Yup. Hang on, Paris taxi drivers are wild.

Ginger: I noticed dat. *mewgiggles*

Phelicity: Look! Look! Dis restaurant is called da Dauphin! It's named after my papa, too!

E.T.: Well, mewhehe! dis must be da purrfect place fur dinner.

Ginger: Look, da sign says it was built at da turn of da century. Da one befur dis one.

Phelicity: Oh, it'll haff fantastique ambience, den. *mewgiggles*

Ginger: It doesn't look old! Efurything in Paris seems to be real old but doesn't look like it at all.

E.T.: Efurything smells good in Paris, too. Here's our menus. All of dis looks great.

Phelicity: Merci! I hope da waiter asks if we wants Vin Rose' so I can say "oui". *mewgiggles*

E.T.: I might get a filet, an Armagnac. But wiffout da hot prune pie.

Ginger: Can mew belief all da wine bars an galleries an an markets in efury block?

Phelicity: Yeah, we could stay here fur a monff an not see it all! I wonder ... umm .. if E.T. ...umm....

Ginger: Hmmm ... well, he got us roun-trip tickets, so I guess... *sigh*

Phelicity: ...he isn't gonna let us stay in Paris furefur. *sigh* Let's eat our last pastries.

Ginger: *munch* An da bistro singers! Voux le voux... I'm gonna be humming dat all night.

Phelicity: Tomorrow night we might see dancers! E.T. said so! *munch*

Ginger: I'm way too excited to sleep. *yawn*

Phelicity: Me too, I doesn't know why I'm yawnie. *yawn*

E.T.: Oboy, I finally got reservations to take da girls to da Moulin Rouge. Dey will be so excited! An I better watch close, or at least one of dem will be running up onstage to join da dancers.