E.T.: Dat's da biggest, tallest thing I efer saw!

Ginger: Ooooooooooohh.

Phelicity: Wowie-meows!

E.T.: I wonder if we can climb up in it.

Ginger: Uh ....not me. *mewgiggles*

Phelicity: Me neiffur. I gots a crick in my neck from lookin.

E.T.: Let's go ask.

Ginger: Eeek!

Phelicity: *gulp*

Ginger: So dis is da glass pyramid?

E.T.: Yeah, an da museum we wanted to see, da Louvre.

Phelicity: Da Loober? Dat's where all da pictures are, huh?

E.T.: An lotsa other good stuff. C'mon, let's go in

Ginger: We hadda leaf our tote bags in da room up front

E.T.: Dey are furry careful here. Dese pictures are real old, an priceless.

Phelicity: An statues, too, lookit. An da Mona Lisa is here.

E.T.: An maybe Napoleon.

Ginger: Oooh, I heard of Mona Lisa. Let's find her. An maybe Marie Antoinette?

Phelicity: I hope so, Marie's my middle name...an she was da queen of France!

E.T.: An Napoleon, I bet. He was........

Ginger: Is she da one wiff da big tall white wigs? Dey's amazing! *mewgiggles*

Phelicity: Yeah, an great big poofy gowns, dey was gorgeous.

E.T.: An efen Napoleon......

She has a furry mysterious smile. I bet she had a cat.

Hmm, what does dat smile remind mew of? ..It's kinda sneaky.

Yeah, like our moms gets when dey thinks dey's gonna giff us a pill.

Dat's it!!

Der's a dancing girl ofur here. Renoir painted her.

Oooh, lemme see.

What a purrty dress.

Here's anoffur... uh ... *blush*

Some of dese ladies doesn't got der clothes on!

Ooops. Let's go find da cat pictures.


An maybe Napoleon.

Ginger: E.T. wants to look at more pictures.

Phelicity: Yeah, cuz now dey's ships an battles an kings an stuff.

Ginger: But I knew I saw a bakery on da way!

Phelicity: An dere it is! Ooooh, let's go in!

E.T.: Hay, mew missed some good statues!

Phelicity: Dat's okay, we got lotsa elegant French pastries!

Ginger: Lookit, try dis one. It's called a Napoleon.

E.T.: Thank mew. Yeah, but I saw da real Napoleon. Well, kinda.

Phelicity: Oh, dat's good, he must be special if dey named pastries after him.

Ginger: I'd like to go sit somewhere. It's hard to eat pastries while I'm walkin.

E.T.: We can see da River Seine from here. Let's go see what we find near it.

Phelicity: I heard it's beautipurr dere... maybe der's a cafe nearby.

E.T.: What, wiff all dese pastries mew got??

Ginger: Well ..... we might need somethin to drink.