E.T.: Dey donut haff fancy hotels in da city of Purrz. I could only get a room in a boarding house. An no restaurants.

Ginger: Dat's okay, we'll juss call Room Service.

E.T.: No Room Service.

Phelicity: Den we'll call out fur pizza.

E.T. No pizza places.

Ginger: Good grief, what kinda city is dat! *sigh*

Phelicity: I guess it's juss a city wiff catacombs. *gulp*

E.T. No complaints, mew promised. We'll be der in a few minutes now. I hope mew brought apurrpriate outfits fur an expedition here.

E.T.: Here we are ... I said it was nuthin fancy.

Phelicity: Dat's okay. We won't be here fur long, right?

Ginger: I'm starffin. We didn't get a thing to eat on da plane.

E.T.: Da boarding house has a dining room. Dey serve mutton stew.

Phelicity: Mitten Stew?????? Stewed mittens????

Ginger: He said mutton stew. What on earff is dat??

Phelicity: I gots no idea. Does we wanna know?

Ginger: Do dey haff a dessert cart?

E.T.: I'll be sure to ask dem dat, mewhehe!

E.T.: Dat's what yer going hunting in? Skirts?

Ginger: Yup, dese are real safari outfits. Wiff pockets.

Phelicity: We efen gotted da right hats wifout gettin too ugly, see?

E.T.: Okay,... I guess. Did mew haff some mutton stew inside?

Phelicity: No .. ummm.....ugh ..... we'll pass on dat.

Ginger: I'm so excited! I can hardly wait to get started on da hunt!

E.T.: It isn't far from here to da catacombs.

Ginger: Dat sounds like a place to comb kitties, ouch.

Phelicity: How big is da Mystic Purrstone, E.T.?

E.T. Da stories say it's almost as big as a kitty's paw.

Phelicity: Wowies! Does dey say what color it is?

E.T.: I read dat dey think it's purple, but nokitty was sure.

Ginger: Oooh, purple! Den it's meant fur us to find it!

E.T.: I hope yer right. Let's load up an go.

Take a lantern, you may need it