E.T.: Da guide book say dis is where we'll see da beginning of da catacombs go down underground. Inside dat door.

Phelicity: Is it okay fur us to go in dere?

E.T.: Yes, I got purrmission befur I came ....uh, ..fur one kitty. Myownself.

Ginger: Oopsie. Well, we'll be furry quiet den. Quiet as liddle mousies.

Phelicity: Is dere kitties inside fur us to ask?

E.T.: No, dey donut use dis any more. It used to be a dungeon.

Ginger: *gulp* How long ago was dat?

Phelicity: *ulp* Nefur mind, we doesn't wanna know.

E.T.: Dis door is sure creaky, it doesn't wanna open.

Ginger: Oh. Well, maybe it knows best.

E.T.: Mewhehe! Don't go losing yer nerve already!

Ginger: Wow, it's strange lookin in here.

E.T.: Let's search real good in dese big rocks furst.

Phelicity: Yeah, an by da wooden ....look, it's a old door!

(After they search the room, E.T. opens the door)

Ginger: Lookit! Dat's where it goes down, isn't it?

E.T: It must be. Let's start here. Don't lose yer lanterns, it might be dark down der.

Phelicity: If it's dark, what if we lose our way?

E.T.: Dat's why we got da lanterns.

Ginger: No, she means.. Phelicity, what haff we got dat we could drop on da way?

Phelicity: I gots my scarf ..oh, mew mean like fur markers of how we went?

Ginger: Yeah, like a trail. Lessee, I got cookies in my pocket.

Phelicity: Oh yeah, me too. Think we better sacrifice dem?

Ginger Yup, I think we better. *sigh* ...I'll make crumbs.

E.T.: C'mon, girls, yer holdin up da show! I'm halfway down!

Hang on to yer lantern