Phelicity: He's goin somewheres wiffout us?? Where?

Ginger: Well, E.T. said it's like a safari, an furry far away.

Phelicity: A safari? Mew mean where dey hunts lions to take scary pictures of dem? eeeek!

Ginger: I think so, but da hunt is fur somethin called a Purrstone.

Phelicity: Ooooh, I wonder what dat is! Stones doesn't purr, juss kitties do.

Ginger: I asked E.T., an he says he juss wants to find da stone an see.

Phelicity: Well I wants to see, too! Why can't we go wif him?

Ginger: Da bestest reason he says, is dat it's a real scarey place.

Phelicity: Hmmm. How scarey exactly? Scary like eeek or scarey like HelpHelp?

Ginger: Let's go ask him. Wait. Let's take him out fur a steak dinner furst.

Phelicity: Dat's a furry good idea, we gets him to agree to lotsa things dat way.

Ginger: Mmmm, it sure smells good in dere!

E.T.: I luff da smell of steaks cookin!

Phelicity: Let's go in, we's gonna treat mew to a steak dinner!

E.T.: I juss think mew girls would be awful skeered in dem catacombs, hunting da Mystic Purrstone. I wanna find it fur mew, but I can't do it if I got boff of mew screechin an fainting all da time!

Phelicity: How bout if we purromises not to faint? Not one liddle bitty faint.

Ginger: An no screechin, not efen a liddle bitty eeek.

E.T.: Dey say it's like a maze inside, an efury kitty dat hunted fur it always got lost and had to giff up and find der way out. See, I nefur get lost.

Phelicity: But we doesn't get ...uh ....

Ginger: We wouldn't get losted .. *ulp*

E.T: Dat's juss it. I figger I can hunt fur da Purrstone or hunt fur my lost sisfurs.

Phelicity: I guess mew's right, E.T.. We doesn't wanna get losted.

Ginger: No, an we don't wanna be scared ... mew's furry wise.

E.T.: Now see? Dat's furry wise, too. So mew girls stay by yer cell phones, cuz I'll call mew as soon as I find da Mystic Purrstone! Let's get home early, so I can finish packing my gear. I'm leafing tomorrow!

Ginger: (whispurr) We gotta move fast.

Phelicity: (whispurr) Sneak back to my house.

If you're comin, you better pack a bag