
Phelicity: We can only pack one duffle bag??

Ginger: Dat's all we better. Efurything we need has to be in it.

Phelicity: But we needs our fur conditioner an kitty talc an hair dryer an ...

Ginger: Nope. We better stick to juss da essentials.

Phelicity: But dem is essentials!! *sniff*

Ginger: Well, look at it dis way. Nokitty's gonna see us but our brofur.

Phelicity: Oh. Yeah, an he's seen us after we fell in da pond.....

Ginger: ... an rolled outta da hay wagon ...

Phelicity: ....an backed into da campfire.....

Ginger: ....an ran into da snowcone machine...

Phelicity: ... yeah, we can't possibly get worse dan dat!

Ginger: Hmmm.. I'll stick da kitty talc in my shoe.

Ginger: Okay, here's dis good stuff da safari shop said we'll need!

Phelicity: Dat's our hats? I can't wear dat, I'll look like a mushroom.

Ginger: I can't wear dese shoes, dey look like elephant hoofs.

Phelicity: I wants to look purrty when we finds da Mystic Purrstone.

Ginger: Oh, it'll be exciting! But..umm...let's pack our sandals.

Phelicity: Yeah. Whoops! Dat hat rolled right under da bed all by itself!

Ginger: Ooopsie! Are mew sure? It looks losted to me. *kick* Dey boff are!

Phelicity: Yup, whatta shame. We'll hafta find some cuter hats.

Grab yer bag, let's go!