E.T.: Wowsers!! Girls, are mew dere? Throw in my hat an come on through.

Phelicity: Are we gonna like d-d-dis?

E.T.: Mew are gonna luff it! Come on, gimme yer paw.

Ginger: Here we come. *mmph* I gotta squirm a liddle.

Phelicity: Wowie meows!

Ginger: Oh my goodness, how purrty!

E.T.: It's stained glass. An it's light. It hasta be outside on da other side.

. Phelicity: Lookit da floor under it. Is it broken?

Ginger: It looks cracked or crumbley, like pieces.

E.T.: It's an opening. Wait, I got my pickaxe in my knapsack ......here it is.

.....Girls, I feel something hard an smooth in here.

.....Oof! I can hardly reach it....

Ginger: Can we help?

Phelicity: My arm is littler.

E.T.: Yeah, but it's short, too .... ooof .... got it!

Ginger: Woowwww! Does it purr?

Phelicity: Shhh ..... let's listen.

Ginger: I don't hear anything.

Phelicity: Dis has to be it, dis stone looks priceless. An da size....

Ginger: ...an da color, an how it was hidden. Maybe we can hear it outside.

Phelicity: Outside ... uh .... we has to get back....

Ginger: ....da same way we came. We'll find da cookie crumbs!

Phelicity: I do hear a whoosh .. did mew hear dat?

Ginger: Yes, but it wasn't da Purrstone. What is it?

Phelicity: Eeek! Where's E.T.?

E.T.: Over here!

Ginger: What happened???

Phelicity: How did mew do dat??

E.T.: I juss pulled on da wall where it was cracked behind da curtain. An look, it pulled open!

Ginger: An der's outside! But where are we?

Phelicity: It must be da end of da catacombs, right?

E.T.: Has to be. I'm sure we can follow da walls outside an get back to where we left da jeep. C'mon!

Ginger: Wait. ..... Listen...

Phelicity: C'mere, E.T..... listen!!

E.T.: I hear it. Da stone does purr! We found da Mystic Purrstone!

Listen to the purr yerself