![]() ![]() Ginger: We're back! I'm starffin so bad I'd eat anything!! Phelicity: Me too, I'm gonna faint any minit! All our cookies are gone! E.T.: Go on in da dining room and get somethin to eat! I'll go upstairs an wrap up da stone real careful an pack it. Meet mew der soon. Ginger: Okay, but please, what is mutton? E.T.: It's lamb, juss a little older. I thought mew knew dat. Phelicity: LAMB? My fafurite???? An we didn't get any??? *sob!* Ginger: Let's go see if dey got some today. Hurry. *sniff* Phelicity: I might be too weak to walk. *sniff* Ginger: I might haff forgot how to swallow. *sob!* ![]() Ginger: I can't belief it, I juss can't belief it. Phelicity: Me neiffur. How we was starffin fur DAYS an DAYS! E.T.: Aw, c'mon, we was only in der about a day or .. so. I think. Ginger: But we found da Mystic Purrstone! Oh, wow! *whispurr* (Mew got any more puffy bread in dat duffle?) Phelicity: *whisper* (I gots big ole hunks, here..) It's da most exciting thing we efur done, E.T! An starffin while we did it! *munch* Ginger: *munch* E.T.: I sure am proud of us. An proud of mew girls, mew did great! An I guess mew was right...I couldn't haff done it alone. Uh ... pass da bread, please. ![]() After the kitties returned home from the City of Purrz, the exciting story of their discovery was published far and wide. The stories about the Mystic Purrstone finally had an end. |