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Ginger: Wowies, dis has been da most exciting day! An I'm starffin!

Phelicity: Me too! I didn't think I was gonna make it till dinner.

E.T.: Is dat why mew were running back to da train so fast!

Ginger: Well, sure it was. *mewgiggles*

Phelicity: Mmmmm, I can smell da steaks from here.

E.T.: Steaks! Let's hurry on in der. I want a great big one!

Next day da train was headed fur home!

E.T.: I'm glad we found dis club car. Dis is cool to watch behind da train.

Ginger: Yeah, it's not so steep any more leafing da mountains.

Phelicity: I luffed da mountains. Think we should get more snacks?.

E.T.: Mew could pass me dem ham rolls, pleaze.

Ginger: Mew betcha. Den let's go get some cinnamon rolls, too.

Phelicity: I knows da way to da dining car. Like we didn't know dat da best! *mewgiggles*

Ginger: Ooooh, look out dat window! Wait a minit. Which way was we going?

Phelicity: Dis way, right past da ... uh .. was dat doorway dere befur?

Ginger: I think so. But it was on da offur side. No, dat couldn't be.

Phelicity: We'll hafta follow our noses. Sniff hard fur cinnamon.

Phelicity: Okay, gots da cinnamon rolls An here's da ... ummm.....

Ginger: Nope, dis is da wrong car, too. An we didn't bring our cell phones.

Phelicity: Well, E.T. doesn't got his, neiffur. Should we go back da offur way?

Ginger: I guess so. We'll come to da end of da train sooner or later.

Phelicity: We better eat some on da way.

Ginger: Dat's what I were thinkin.

E.T.: Mmm, dose smell good. I was about to come lookin, in case mew got lost.

Ginger: Who us? We couldn't get losted on dis train.

Phelicity: We knows dis train like da back of our paws. Honest!