Page 8

Tooooot! Toooooot!

E.T.: I see da station up ahead! Wow, I got all our luggage togeffur just in time!

Ginger: I got one last cinnamon roll in my purse.

Phelicity: I got so excited, I ate mine. Dere it is!

Ginger: Okay, I called fur a taxi cab. Mew think one is gonna be enuff?

Phelicity: I doesn't know, lookit all dis stuff! It's a good thing we's liddle.

E.T.: How in da world could we get home wiff twice as much stuff as we took!

Ginger: Well, we had some expanding bags to put da stuff we bought in! *mewgiggles*

Phelicity: Thank mew efur so, E.T., we's so purroud of how good mew took care of all dis luggage!

E.T.: Mew are welcome. I'm proud of mew girls, too. Mew boff got off da train wiff matching shoes on.

Ginger: Oh, dat's cuz I found my other one in da pillowcase. I had such a fun time!

Phelicity: An I gotted da one I left in da dining car. Oh, what a wonderpurr trip it was!

E.T.: I enjoyed efury minit of it. Dis was a great vacation!

Taxi: Honk! Honk!

We'll be happy to get home, but we'll always rememfur our exciting train trip!