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E.T.: Wow, lookit all da streams an lakes right downhill from da traintracks. Where's my fishin pole?

Ginger: Which one? *mewgiggles* Mew got at least two of dem in yer berff.

E.T.: Oh yeah, dat's right. Lookit dose old mines way up dere.

Phelicity: I think dem was gold mines. I wonder if dere's any gold left in dem.

Ginger: I see lotsa steps goin up to dat one. Betcha we could get up dere.

E.T.: Up or down? Down or up? Da train is stopping, let's go!

Phelicity: (whispurr) Let's get our fishin poles, too.

Ginger: Do we haff any of dem liddle feather baits?

Phelicity: Nope. An none of dem fake bacon baits, neiffur.

E.T.: Bait yer hooks wiff somma dem worms I dug up, girls.

Ginger: Icckk.

Phelicity: Ewwww.

E.T.: Wowsers! I think I gotta bite!

Ginger: Wow, it was a long way back to da train, I'm glad dey had sammiches ready.

Phelicity: Yeah, we really hadda change our clothes, tho, we gotted so wet.

Ginger: Specially E.T., he was soaked!

Phelicity: But it wasn't all my fault, honest.

Ginger: No, it wasn't! Anykitty could drop a fishin creel in da water.

Phelicity: An anykitty might fall in, reachin fur it. I almost did!

Ginger: Here he comes, all nice an dry. Shhhh.

Phelicity: Shhhh. *mewgiggles* Wanna sammich, E.T.?

E.T.: Dat sign said it's da Crystal Mill, not a mine.

Ginger: Well, dat's silly! Dey was supposed to mine gold, not mill it.

Phelicity: Maybe it wasn't gold. Does dey mill crystals? Ooooh. Dem are like diamonds!

E.T.: Mewhaha! I donut think we'll find any diamond mines here. Wanna go climb up der?


Phelicity: I think dis really is a ghost town, doesn't mew?

Ginger: Well, der isn't any ghosties, but der isn't any ... anything else, eiffur.

E.T.: We nefur would haff found dis if we hadn't looked down from da old mill. Let's go pokin around an see what we find.

Phelicity: Ummmm........

Ginger: Ahhhh..........

E.T.: C'mon, it'll be fun. I won't let any ghosts getcha!