Page 5

E.T.: Good mornin! At least I always know where to find mew girls.

Phelicity: Mornin, E.T.. We was juss about to bring mew somma dese yummy cinnamon rolls.

Ginger: Dese are sooo good! Come sit down an haff some.

E.T.: Mmmmm, dey smell great. I found something mew are gonna like. It's called an observation car.

Ginger: Eeeek! Is dat a moose? A real one?

Phelicity: Here, I gots da binoculars, look quick!

E.T.: Dat sure is a moose! Wowsers, he's big!

Ginger: Oh, dat's so exciting! dat's da biggest animal I efur saw!

E.T.: What's dis comin up? Wow, dat's a big herd of horses!

Phelicity: Oh, isn't dem purrty! My goodness, dere's lotsa dem!

Ginger: Isn't dis fun? It's almost like a Western movie.

E.T. We got da best place on da train to see efurything, too.

Phelicity: Wow, hasn't we seen a lot today!

Ginger: Eeek, look quick! What is dat, a goat?

Phelicity: Oooh, yeah, a Rocky Mountain goat. I saw a picture once.

Ginger: An now we've seen a real one!

*yawn* *yawn* (lights out)
Mew know dere's ghost towns in dese mountains?

Eeeek! Does dat mean ghosts liff in dem?

I doesn't know. Maybe it means nobody liffs in dem!

Do mew think we wanna look fur one?



E.T.: (from lower berth) Yes!