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Ginger: Dis is nice, da bus let us off right near da harbor.

Phelicity: Ooooh, lookit all da boats down dere. How beautipurr!

E.T.: I'm gonna check out dose parkin meter things I see.

Phelicity: *mewgiggles* We's not gonna park. What are dem fur, anyways?

E.T.: I've seen dem befur. We can look thru dem and see way out to sea.

Ginger: Let's look! Oh, my! Waaayyyyy out der looks so close!

Phelicity: Wait, I gots somethin on my hat. It's a butterfly!

E.T.: Lookit, der's some butterflies here I nefur saw befur.

Phelicity: Oooh, what's dis one? What does da guide book say?

Ginger: Dat's a Heather Frittillitit ..... Frilliberry .... Good grief.

Phelicity: Lemme see. Heather Frittabil .... Fridillidid ... well, it's purrty.

E.T.: Lemme look. It's a Heather ..uh ... Fritillary.

Ginger: Dat sounds like a dessert. *mewgiggles*

E.T.: Dis one is called a Grey Lady! I hope it's a girl.

Phelicity: An lookit da bluuuuuuuee one. Oh, how beautipurr.

Ginger: It says dat's a Swallowtail. A blue Swallowtail?

Phelicity: Well, after all, he liffs by da blue sea.

Ginger: Dat's true. Oooh, look across da road!

. E.T.: I think dat place is calling our names.

E.T.: Let's all move ofur one chair so we can all face da view. Here, I'll help.

Ginger: Dat's a good idea, lemme be sure I got boff my plates.

Phelicity: Den E.T. can open da champagne. He's lots better at dat!

After a wonderpurr dinner, we hurried back to da train, cuz it's leafing again tonight
to travel west!