Phelicity's Bridesmaid Page

May 15, 2005, my sisfur Mewsette and E.T. got wedwinked, an I got to be the maid of honor! This is me entering the chapel after Ginger when the ceremony started, an just befur Mewsette came down the aisle. I was furry graceful, an I was sooooo good, I didn't nibble a single rose petal in my beautipurr bouquet.

Ginger and I had helped Mewsette wif her wedwink gown, specially her train. She gave us gifts fur helping, and mine was this purrty blue cushion. I likes to sit on it. Ginger gave me the sheer periwinkle blue ribbon we had left, it's yum........ er,.. purrty.

We helped a lot wif the caterers fur the reception, too. And Mewsette gave us special bridesmaid gifts, a darling little bridesmaid bear in a dress just like ours, and elegant Chattel #5 perfume. These are mine:

Ginger and I had fun dancing the night away at the reception, and I brought a piece of wedwink cake home to put under my pillow. Does mew suppose it will bring me good luck, efen tho I got hungry and ate it the next day?

They brought presents back fur me an Ginger from their honeymoon in Hawaii, too. These are mine.

I luffs my jewelry. I nefur had earrings befur, but dem little hooks slide ofur my ears to hold dem on just fine, and they swings when I move my head. The brown beads are real kukui nuts, an the fur conditioner is made from dem, too. That pancake mix makes the bestest pancakes we efur had! Ginger an I makes dem a lot at my house.

It was sooo wonderpurr to be my sisfur's maid of honor! Things is diffurnt now, but I'll try not to be blue, cuz I still sees her a whole bunch an we all still does lotsa fun stuff togeffur!