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Background song is "I Have Decided to Follow Jesus"
The Covert of Thy Wings
I do not even ask, dear Lord,
That Thou should’st still the sea,
But that Thy strong unfailing love
With peace abide in me,
For well I know no storm would come
Could I not stand the test,
So let me lean with faith serene
Against Thy loving breast;
Willing thus to stand the storm
Though bruised by grief and pain,
Knowing that someday my loss
Will prove eternal gain.
For oh, I know no song-filled sky
Or days all bright and clear
Could ever cause my should to cling
To Thee like this ~ so near.
And had I been less tempest-tossed
My heart could not have known
The utter sweetness just to trust
In Thee, and Thee alone!
And so I do not ask to fly
Above the storm and sing:
Just let me in the tempest feel
The covert of Thy wings! By: Alice Hansche Mortenson
We have a selection of pages titled TESTIMONIES if you have a testimony that you would like to have included in our pages please send it to TESTIMONIES Thank you.
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