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Background song is "Without Him"
Gentle Jesus
Gentle Jesus listen closely
To the words that I would say,
‘Tis with love that knows no limits,
That I come to Thee today.
For without You life is empty,
With no comfort any place,
I have naught save You to help me,
Please do not turn away Thy face.
Gentle Jesus teach me patience,
Take away this foolish pride,
Grant I only be permitted
To continue at Thy side.
Though my heart is sometimes weary
And my eyes are filled with tears,
I have only but to tell Thee
And my sorrow disappears.
Gentle Jesus, Lord and Master,
Deep within this human shell,
Lives a soul which Thou has ransomed,
It would love Thee long and well.
You have felt as I am feeling,
Who could better understand,
Than the One who meekly listened,
To their “crucify the Man”! By: Grace E. Easley
We have a selection of pages titled TESTIMONIES if you have a testimony that you would like to have included in our pages please send it to TESTIMONIES Thank you.
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