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Background song is "He Lives"
Who Can Dare?
Who can watch the rising sun
Or see the wonders GOD has done,
Who can count them one by one
~ and say, There is no GOD.
Who, the orchard’s gifts can share
Can taste the fruit that ripens there
Can watch it grow, and yet declare,
That GOD is dead.
Who can see the wonders done
By missionaries’ efforts spun,
Or count the souls their works have won,
~ and claim, there is no GOD.
Who can look upon the grain
The clouds above that bring the rain,
To nourish crops on field and plain,
~yet dares infer, that GOD is dead.
Who is so blind he cannot see
The wonders wrought in Galilee,
By Christ who came for all to see
~and know, There is a GOD! BY: Ronald Eyrich
We have a selection of pages titled TESTIMONIES if you have a testimony that you would like to have included in our pages please send it to TESTIMONIES Thank you.
Comments, Questions, or Prayer Requests Please email us.