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The Benefits of Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Juice,
Especially in Regards to Cancer.

Have you ever stopped to think about the benefits of fruits and vegetables? It has been proven that fresh fruit and vegetable juice will help protect you against and cure some forms of cancer and other health problems.

Today, I would like to tell you about some of the benefits of fresh juice, that I learned after purchasing a Juicer for my sister who has cancer. Fresh juice provides benefits both for your health and in fighting or preventing some forms of cancer and other diseases.

In an attempt to learn more to help my sister, this is what I learned about the benefits of fresh juice.

In today’s fast paced world, juice is a great way to get the benefits of fresh fruits and vegetables without the time it takes to eat those fruits and vegetables.

According to the Fresh Juice Recipes & Menu Planner that comes with this Salton, Juiceman Jr. Juicer
“juicing concentrates one pound into a single glass of easy to drink juice. These nutrients are quickly assimilated since the body does not have to separate out the fiber.”

Your body does still require fiber, so you will have to eat other foods that are high in fiber to make up for the fact that you are losing the fiber in your juice, but the benefits of the fresh juice makes the eating of this extra fiber worthwhile.

Fruits and vegetables provide many health benefits for the human body. Fruits and vegetables have vitamins, nutrients, and minerals that are important for growth of the human body as well as for renewal of cells, nerves, muscles and some body tissues. It is best to try to use Organic Fruits and Vegetables to avoid the fertilizers and pesticides.

Vegetables and fruits have medicinal properties. Blueberries can help to control diarrhea. Ginger helps with motion sickness and nausea. More are listed further down, in the section that was the handout for my speech.

Fruits and vegetables can help to protect and prevent disease. Anti-oxidants like Selenium, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, and beta carotene are nutrients that can protect your body from or help cure heart disease and cancer.

In an article titled Carrot Juice Quenches More than Thirst, written by Ma. Elena Fernandez, from Science and Technology Information Institute, for MediaCore, FNRI, she states, “Carrot for example is a generous source of beta-carotene. It has high vitamin A content and is known for its anti-cancer punch. Beta-carotene and vitamin A are potent cancer fighters, and boost the body's ability to ward off infection and recover from illness.”

A study by the Food and Nutrition Research Institute confirms Ms. Fernandez’s statement. FNRI’s study, Carrot Juice – A Refreshing and Healthy Drink states, “Carrots are very good sources of beta carotene. Food processors have found the importance of beta carotene not only as a precursor of vitamin A but also as an agent that prevents cancer”. FNRI also stated that the taste of carrot juice by itself is not very appealing and they have developed an anti-cancer punch, which is a blend of carrots, mango and sugar, (1 tablespoon of honey and 1 teaspoon of cinnamon can be substituted for the sugar) that tastes more pleasant.

There are many other combinations of fruits and carrots that improve the taste of carrot juice. Lourie has found that she like carrots and pineapple or carrots and apple, along with a banana.

Below is a handout containing information by Cyndi Thomson, a nutritionist with the Arizona Cancer Center, in Tucson, about fruits and vegetables, known as phytochemicals, along with some recipes from Salton’s Fresh Juice Recipes & Menu Planner.

FreeDictionary.com defines Phytochemicals as nonnutritive bioactive plant substance, such as a flavonoid or carotenoid, considered to have a beneficial effect on human health.

Studies done at University of Illinois, by Ron Wolford and Drusilla Banks, also have come to the same conclusion as shown by their statement, from an article called Watch Your Garden Grow, “Beta carotene is also a powerful antioxidant effective in fighting against some forms of cancer, especially lung cancer. Current research suggests that it may also protect against strokes, and heart disease. Research also shows that the beta carotene in vegetables supplies this protection, not vitamin supplements.”

An article titled Benefits of Fresh Juice, which was written by Samm Richardson for Positive Health tells us, “There is one rule that is important to remember regarding juices: Always consume fruit juices ON AN EMPTY STOMACH. They serve to wash or cleanse the system, in addition to supplying immediate vital energy. If they are poured into a stomach full of food, they cannot pass through and they ferment. In addition, the digestive process is immediately aborted as the digestive enzymes are diluted. This rule applies to both fruit and vegetable juices. You must allow at least two hours after a meal before drinking juice”.

Now I would like to tell you a little bit about the cost of Juicers. Years ago when my mother was dying of lung cancer an acupuncturist told us of the benefits of carrot juice in curing cancer. Unfortunately at that time the least expensive home juicer available was over $800.00.

I did a search at bizrate.com and found that today home juicers range in price from $27.00 for a Hamilton Beach or Continental Juicer to nearly $6,000.00 for a Cecilware juicer.

I recently purchased this Juicer
for myself and a similar Juiceman Jr. Juicer, for my sister who has progressive terminal cancer, from eBay for less than $27.00.

In conclusion, With the low price of juicers, there is now no reason why everyone shouldn’t have their own juicer and enjoy the health benefits that are offered from fresh vegetable and fruit juice, especially the cancer preventing and curing benefits of carrots.

Fresh juice is more beneficial that cooked fruits and vegetable or canned juice because cooking causes the fruits and vegetables to lose important nutrients and vitamins.

Making juice is as easy and washing the fruits or vegetables and dropping them in the juicer. Why not head out and buy your own juicer today and get on the road to better health.



Fruits and Vegetables



Phytochemicals in Fruits and Vegetables

According to information provided by Cyndi Thomson, a nutritionist with the Arizona Cancer Center, Tucson, evidence has shown that those who consume a diet rich in fruits and vegetables - and thus phytochemicals - have a lower incidence of certain types of cancer and/or coronary artery disease.

This is a list of some of the key phytochemicals found in produce under study, their food sources and their potential roles in health. FreeDictionary.com defines Phytochemicals as nonnutritive, bioactive plant substance, such as a flavonoid or carotenoid, considered to have a beneficial effect on human health.

Found in: green and yellow fruits and vegetables
Possible benefits: reduced risk of cataracts, coronary artery disease, and lung and breast cancers; enhances immunity for the elderly.

Found in: chili peppers
Possible benefits: reduced risk for colon, gastric and rectal cancers; inhibits tumor growth

Found in: green and black tea, berries
Possible benefits: antioxidant; increased immune function; decreased cholesterol production

Found in: artichokes
Possible benefits: Lowers cholesterol levels

Ellagic acid
Found in: wine, grapes, currants, pecans, raspberries, strawberries, blackberries, seeds
Possible benefits: reduces cancer risk; inhibits carcinogen binding to DNA; reduces LDL cholesterol while increasing HDL cholesterol

Found in: cabbage, broccoli brussels sprouts, spinach, cauliflower, watercress, turnip, kohlrabi, kale, rutabaga, horseradish, mustard greens
Possible benefits: reduced risk of hormone-related cancers; may "inactivate" estrogen; inhibits growth of transformed cells

Found in: cabbage, cauliflower
Possible benefits: reduced risk of tobacco-induced tumors

Found in: high-fiber foods (especially seeds)
Possible benefits: reduced risk of colon cancer; reduced blood glucose and cholesterol

Lycopene carotenoid
Found in: tomatoes and tomato products, grapefruit, guava, apricots, watermelons
Possible benefits: antioxidant; reduces risk of prostate cancer; may reduce risk of cardiovascular disease

Monterpene limonene
Found in: citrus peel and membrane, mint, caraway, thyme, coriander
Possible benefits: antioxidant; reduced risk of skin and breast cancer; reduced cholesterol production; reduced premenstrual symptoms

Phenolic acid
Found in: cruciferous vegetables, eggplant, peppers, tomatoes, celery, parsley, soy, licorice root, flaxseed, citrus, whole grains, berries
Possible benefits: fights cancer through of nitrosamine formation

Found in: parsley, carrots, celery
Possible benefits: fights tobacco-induced tumors

Organosulfur compounds
Found in: garlic, onions, leeks, watercress, cruciferous vegetables
Possible benefits: reduced risk of gastric, colon and lung cancers, inhibited tumor promotion; reduced cholesterol; lower blood pressure

Found in: pear and apple skins, peppers, kohlrabi, tomato leaves, onions, wine, grape juice
Possible benefits: antioxidant, decreased platelet aggregation

Found in: broccoli sprouts, broccoli, radish, horseradish, mustard greens
Possible benefits: Inhibit tobacco-related carcinogens from binding DNA

Juiceman Jr. Fresh Juice Recipes

Carrot-Apple Juice
6 carrots
2 apples

Bromelain Special
Cut pineapple into strips and juice
(rind and all)

Orange or Grapefruit Juice
3 oranges (peeled) or
1 grapefruit (peeled)

Evening Regulator
2 apples
1 pear

Digestive Special
Handful of spinach
6 carrots

Lung Tonic
6 carrots
4 sprigs parsley
¼ peeled potato
4 sprigs watercress

Watermelon Juice
Cut watermelon into strips
and juice (rind and all)

The Waldorf
1 stalk celery
2 apples

Sunshine Cocktail
2 apples
4-6 strawberries

Energy Shake
Handful of parsley
6 carrots

Passion Cocktail
4 strawberries
1 large chunk pineapple
1 bunch black grapes

Potassium Broth
1 handful of spinach
1 handful of parsley
2 stalks of celery
4-6 carrots

Cantaloupe Juice
Cut cantaloupe into strips
and juice (rind and all)

Blemish Buster
5 carrots
½ green pepper

There are many other recipes included in the
Salton Juiceman Jr.
Fresh Juice Recipes & Menu Planner

Important Definitions
Cruciferous vegetable - a vegetable of the mustard family: especially mustard greens; various cabbages; broccoli; cauliflower; brussels sprouts

Phytochemical - A nonnutritive bioactive plant substance, such as a flavonoid or carotenoid, considered to have a beneficial effect on human health.


The Juiceman– Fresh Juice Recipes & Menu Planner – Salton Products, Third Printing, January, 1992

Ma. Elena Fernandez
Carrot Juice Quenches More than Thirst
Science and Technology Information Institute,
September, 2003

Food and Nutrition Research Institute
- Carrot Juice – A Refreshing and Healthy Drink -
Department of Science and Technology,
Copyright 2002

Horticultural Sciences Department
– Organic Production and Marketing Newsletter
University of Florida,
November 1999

Ron Wolford and Drusilla Banks
Watch Your Garden Grow
University of Illinois Extension,
Copyright unknown

Samm Kweku Richardson
Benefits of Fresh Juice
Positive Health,
Copyright 1994-2006

Compare Prices
Online Posting,
(Search Date 7/28/2006)

- The Free Dictionary
Online Posting
Farlex Inc.,
Copyright 2005

BY: Sonya R. Sword
July 31, 2006

GOD Bless
Sonya and Lourie

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