The doggies quietly lay

in her vacant spot on the bed...

They know she is gone...

but they wait..

Lifeless they lay...

Lifeless I stay...

Without Holley....

Our house is crying silent tears-falling..

big drops everywhere

A house is NOT a home without Holley.

The soul of every living thing

is in a frozen frame of suspended--

floating chaos...

I don't pretend to know what it IS,

but I know what it ISN'T

Life without Holley...

We long to see those caring eyes....

We long to hear that voice

that Heaven loans out on occasion

to help soothe the hopelessness

sent in by the darkness

of Life without Holley...

I can't write anymore...

I really don't know how much

more I can take...

It's not life without Holley...

[This page was Created and Written by Kenny Mitchell for his wife, Holley ®2006AUG]