::::p r e s e n t s::::


You can have the sun shining

Or the rain can be falling down.

Your heart can be happy and light

Or Your Face can be wearing a frown

When you give control to Jesus

When you stand tall with God's great power

Even though the devil will keep trying...

He cannot slip through Your Soul's True Desire.

I know how good God can make YOU feel

I also know the feeling of darkness, when we let satan in.

He will keep trying to ruin it all.

There is no such thing as "The Devil, My Friend"

The hurt, tears, and pain you face

DO NOT EVER come from heaven above.

There are many hands reaching out for You..

But Only one nail-scared pair offering eternal love.

So Join with Us-Make You day go right

Let Jesus enter your heart-showing you the way.

Heaven is Our final destination and the sign says "WELCOME TO ALL"

So please be ready-Jesus may be PICKING UP today.

[This page was created and written by Kenny Mitchell with the help of God above on October 19th, 2006]

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