*>*>*>*> C O N T E N T M E N T >*>*>*>

content within my heart...

for Jesus is the biggest part

content within my being...

for I believe without seeing...

Through each trial and struggle...

like a child, I find His arms in which to snuggle

with or without my heart's content...

for within my soul--

God's peace flows...

content within my being for...

for I believe without seeing...

my life before me, planned...

for Jesus, I take a stand...

to be used of Him, I am willing...

every day, every need, He is filling...

and when my life on earth is done...

I will meet His heavenly son...


[This page was Created by Kenny Mitchell and written by Marjorie Sheldon and is ŽOCT08 by UplifterlandEAST Ministries.]

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