A heart awakened by the nudging of It's Soul...

Another heart...far away----waiting in God's control....

Words shared, tender moments, raising emotions

that had faded thin...

God let the miracle of Love softly come in...

Eyes of Spiritual Love were Our first sight...

Then a signal from above-gave Us new light...

Moving closer to that place...

All earthly things must pass away....

God let the miracle of love come to us to forever stay...

Now We wait in anxious mode as to when We can be as one...

Every thought, Every day...is How much longer can We go on???

But the leader of Our lives-Calms Us down and let's Us know....

That the Miracle of Love from God....Needs plenty of time to grow!!!

[This webpage was written by Kenny Mitchell for the Holley Kemp Series and is ®2003 by WebUplifterMinistries]


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