°°°°p r e s e n t s: °°°°

There's a sparkle in my eye

As I think of Your Smile...

There's a quiver in my heart

As I envision You awhile...

There is warmth in my hands

As I feel Your silhouette...

And those sighs of delight from You

I will never forget!!

There are butterflies everywhere

And goosebumps across my arms...

There are sudden bursts of HAPPY!

That turn on my "Smile Alarm!"

I can look at Your Photos

Or Just see Your Name In lights

But I will never forget...

Your sweet sighs of delight!

The Oceans have their waves

That crash against the shore.

The clouds have their thunder.

That make a gigantic roar....

But, My Darling, that is nothing...

When compared to You at night...

As we share Our love connection

And I enjoy your sighs of delight!!

[This webpage was created and written by Kenny Mitchell for the HOLLEY Series and ®2003 WebUplifterMinistries.]