^^^^ p r e s e n t s: ^^^^

Our lives are always linked with keys to open many things,
Even in Our Youth, we are fascinated by these jingly rings.

We start quite a collection as we mature throughout Our years.
And we find ourselves with pocketfuls and even ones that don't appear.....

In our hearts we carry mental keys like Doubt and Temptation.
They are used to lock away the Lord, and to boost our aggravation....

And then we wonder, in those tough times why we fumble, stumble and are tossed
Because Prayer is Our Main Key,
On a Crowded Ring, it so often, gets lost!

We try to open up our hearts but we are using bitterness and fears
We keep jingling all the wrong keys, as we cry out through our tears....

Then from Heaven floats a brand new set including compassion and forgiveness, too.
It's time to turn in those tarnished keys--trade them for Praise that comes from you.

Its easy to walk around with too many keys
and think that God doesn't mind.
But Prayer is a very special Key,
So you always need to keep it easy to find.

Those keys that do not come from above can keep you chained and Caught.
But the Keys that Come from Heaven are the Precious Ones that Calvary Bought.....

:::this poem was inspired by the stirring words of Holy-Girl:::

[This webpage was created and written by Kenny Mitchell for WebUplifterMinistries ฎ 2002]


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