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---from KATE...

I cannot answer that inner view question.

  I tell God I want to go to Church, but I have no ride.  Being agoraphobic, I can't walk any where, plus my arthritis.

  I have asked the minister and she dosen't know of anyone who would give me ride.

  God can provide me with a ride to church. NOW!

  Jesus invites everyone to go to chruch. No personnal invitation needed, you already have one.

  But just imagine if Jesus was here in the flesh, in a town and asked people to go to Church, how many would go, or just out of curiosity, or thought Jesus was really Jesus just to see for themselves, or Jesus himself would be speaking, I think it would be a long line outside of a church.

  Well, maybe Jesus would cure me of all my ills, and I could go on my own and be okay.

But He can do that now....

Well, you see, I cannot answer that question.

---from DONNY...

That would be an eye opener would in not? As I think about it, I think I would have to throw away my excuse book, my TV GUIDE, and my getaway plans and go....if not just to see what JESUS was doing here on earth RIGHT NOW!!
You know, it could be a trick, that would be even scarier, It could be a false prophet or someone pretending to be Christ, like I have heard people talk about in the last days....

Hum...Still thinking about this one....

I think I would have to know without a doubt that it was HIM...before I would follow Him anywhere, especially to church.....Yipes, that is a deep question when you begin to think about why and why not you would believe. Like it seems like it easier to believe it Him being in Heaven than being here on Earth....Maybe I should get back to you when I got a more clear answer...

---from ANGELA...

OK...Now...I would hope that I could take photos of this opportunity and I would feel really special if HE -- JESUS -- came to me in that physical way...

I know these questions are just a way of getting Us to think, but wow...what a thought!!! Can you imagine Jesus tapping you on the shoulder and calling you by audible name...I think I would be AFRAID not to go to church, I would think....if I stay home this time, it will be my last chance for redemption.

It has me going in circles just thinking about it....But..Thanks for asking this question...

---from MIKE...

If you are a Christian and you are a little lax on entering God's House as much as you should, this happening could scare you a little I would HOPE!!

I know I would feel so honored....I would want Jesus to Come in my Home and rest from his travels, I would feel so very priveleged to have Him so close and talking with ME!
I would hope that Jesus had chosen me because of Our pleasant past together and not because I had been ignoring him too much....

---from EDITH...

I would have a heart attack right there and then he would have to perform a miracle and bring me back to life.....I would be speechless and I am sure just to look in His eyes would change me forever....Seeing Him, talking with Him, going to church with Him...But...You know....we do that everytime we chose to be a true Christian....and there isn't any other kind!!!

There is no stratling of the fence when it comes to serving the Lord....Jesus, I love you....and when we come face to face....I personally hope it is in Heaven...for eternity...

---from KEITH...

As I lay on the bed every sunday morning, there is a tug on my heart, the sound of distant church bells, Jesus is already calling me....I don't think I deserve a REAL PERSON JESUS come to earth at this time to know how much he wants me to meet Him in Church....

I know this is just one of those "what if" questions.....But my two cents are...what if Jesus decided that He would quit tugging on my heart and it didn't matter to Him anymore if I came to church or not...

That is when to get excited and start to give my life a thorough examination.

Thank God that He loves Us and is a patient God...Because We are human and we are slow sometimes to react to the most important things in Life...Eternal Life!!!

---from SALLY...

I would love to have a SIT DOWN conversation with Jesus in HUMAN form. I have a lot on my mind I don't understand, and I know if I could talk to him for a while, he could answer anything I came up with...But as far as going to church with Him.....He is there every sunday....He waits for me and welcomes me in....it is not scarey for me...it is humbling and wonderful to have him as a Personal Savior.

---from GLENDA...

I read the Bible, The King James Version, and Jesus is coming back...SOON...but not just to visit ME...He is coming back to get all those who are ready....ENUF SAID...BE READY and Join ME and all the others in paradise...

---YOU, TOO CAN...send your opinions to UPLIFTERLAND@webtv.net to join in this new series.....thanks...

[This webpage was created by Kenny Mitchell and all those who gave their opinions. In some cases, the real names were withheld, but in any case, if you helped....Thanks...May all the Glory go to God...®2007 WebUplifterMinistries]

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