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...from Jessie...

The way to resolve disagreements, and not all can be resolved, some conflicts will be on-going because we are people with our own minds.

but it is not a question of you is right or wrong, it is a question of accepting one's position and respecting the person.

Not that we agree, but accepting of the other.  It doesn't mean we like it, it's acceptance.

To resolve conflict, the one who wants to resolve comes first to the other person, and states their true feelings...

  First we pray about the circustances and ask God to help us.

  State exactly how one feels, and thinks, no past history allowed, just sticking to the one issue at hand.

and if the other person wants to add fuel to the fire by saying but ..... and you ..... just stick to your one issue.  we are dicussing this, and this only, and keep stating that.

Remember to negotate, I will from now on try to ... and you will ....... what ever the issue is.

  Be respectful, firm, assertive, and know it takes 2 who want to resolve a conflict, and to compromise. Listen to one anothers thoughts and feelings.  And talk each only about your own feelings, and identifying with the other feelings of the one issue.

  Resolution is not always possible and then we continue on our own way.  We walk away. We tried.

That's the main thing.

...from Karen...

The best way a christian can resolve a dispute is to listen carefully, accept responsibilty, provide hope and encouragement, forgive and most all have compassion.

...from Phillip...

When it comes to saying the wrong thing at the wrong time, sometimes I feel like the champion...I don't mean for things to come out like they do sometimes...and when I look into the mirror I don't see "CHRISTIAN PHIL"--I see a human acting liked a mean, spoiled child.

I don't like to act that way, but satan and human nature together can get ugly if we are not constantly prayed up -- but we can alway...realize that we have been Unchristian or not used the right way of venting and ask God to help Us...

...from Dena...

I like to fight...I happen to run across this page while clicking pages on the internet. I am a short-fused, sassy and unlady like person at times, but sometimes I see myself as I am, and I back away and cool down.
If I treat someone bad, sooner or later I will finally pull myself together enough to go to that person and try to talk it over.
I am not a bad person, but sometimes I just don't feel like being pushed around.
I had enough of that when I was a kid...

...from Gary...

It is so easy to say stuff that you soon regret....It is much easier to start immediately to ask God to help and lead and guide me in any such situation.
Always look to God in all situations and have the faith...the right words will come then, and the problems will be put in the right light...

...from Delanie...

Boy--Oh--Boy....this is a subject that I could write a book on...Not that anyone would buy it, but I have been in a place where even my best friends surprised me by putting me in an uncomfortable spot and it ended up with tears and loud, non-meant words.
Why we say stuff we really don't mean, I will never figure out, I am just glad that Our real friends will forgive Us, especially Our Lord Jesus...

...from Zane...

If we didn't get into trouble, we wouldn't need God...He almost expect Us not to be perfect...If we were perfect, then we would all be walking around with GOD written on our hats and try to be a little better and more mightier than the other. What a world that would be if we spent all of our time trying to top the other on being the BEST...He He...that is funny...We do that NOW sometimes then the real GOD steps up to the plate and hits US with a HOME RUN of RAW TRUTH....Thanks for giving me the opportunity to write...

---YOU, TOO CAN...send your opinions to UPLIFTERLAND@webtv.net to join in this new series.....thanks...

[This webpage was created by Kenny Mitchell and all those who gave their opinions. In some cases, the real names were withheld, but in any case, if you helped....Thanks...May all the Glory go to God...®2007 WebUplifterMinistries]

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