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...from CINDY...

Especially from a female's point of view, I believe your body IS the temple of the Holy Spirit and to defile it by working and sell it or selling things that are immoral or sinful in anyway is not pleasing to the Lord.

I can do enough things that My Heavenly Father may frown out just in my daily life, and not even on purpose, but GOD KNOWS what I do on purpose...It ALL has to be forgiven....We must not think that anything is too petty to tell God we messed up, again.
I may have gotten off the subject but I think maybe I can weave it all together by saying....God promotes good images in normal humans....Satan handles the rest and I want to be on the heavenly side...AMEN!!!

...from JAKE...

First of all I want to thank God for everything. I believe that He does have a part in every place I chose to let Him be in.

I think if you ask for God to lead you down the right path....in all ways of living, including FINDING A JOB OR CAREER, he will do that just as fast as He will answer any other type of prayer, and I do not believe for a minute that he is going to send you into a sin filled haven to make money that way.....

...from NELDA...

I think Jesus came to the earth and He hung around the LOWEST people, the meanest people, but he also died on a cross FOR OUR SINS.

He was in human form but He had a mission from God and I think His example was unconditional love for US, both God and He showed us that through his teachings and his final human act of dying on the cross...

We are to be LIKE JESUS, but we can never repeat completely what he did.

Only Jesus could have lived the life he did, and died for Our sins.

It was a perfect plan by a perfect God and humans are not perfect and will never be until we get to heaven and God makes us that way...

...from JACKIE...

Some of Us take the wrong path from the very beginning, but God and his mercy helps us find the way back before we die and go to a forever hell and that is something to really be thankful for, I think....

The real question here is ... Can Jesus Save anyone if they truely want to be a Christian, provided they give up their wrong ways and follow him into righteousness all the way on....??

The answer is YES!!! that is what it is all about....None of Us are perfect, Some of Us are awful, but God loves each of Us and we all have an open invitation to join him in heaven someday...

...from JOAN...

I use to work in a TAVERN...not a fancy, high class joint, but what country people call a Honky Tonk, and I don't think I was a witness to God, Jesus, or anything Holy.

I was a witness to JIM BEAN, JACK DANIELS, and some OLD CROW....plus many more that did not make me a pleasant person or a good Samaratan.

Thank God, He found me, washed me, and now I can look back and say, I was not Saved by the bottle but the living water that put out the fire came from the eternal spring of Jesus Christ and his ALMOST neverending mercy.....I did say almost...So..don't wait too long...

...from PHIL...

I've seen a few crying drunks in my time. I have watched girls wiggle things even more dangerous than salt shakers..I have paid for some things that I am not proud of but I know now....That I am forgiven and I love the Lord....I don't think now, being a witness to Jesus, I could go to a saloon, or strip joint, even in fancy Vegas and do any damage to the devil's territory.

I know you would run into more regular folks out on the street, but you don't know what they are facing or hiding inside and if you really pray about it then I feel that God will lead you to the people that need your help.

It is not those THAT YOU CAN SEE that need Our help...It is the one's that think everything is allright, or hiding their souls that need to be sought out....


I have been on both sides of God. I am thankful that now I am looking at him and can see and hear his instruction to me instead of turning my head the other way, and doing my own thing, which always includes the devil and evil's help.

I think you can work in homeless shelters and that is great. You can be a witness to the poor and sick with getting a job as a hooker or bartender etc...

I don't think I would of had much time for a preacher in a bar when I was doing my thing.
I think you have to live a life pleasing to the Lord in order to do his will and also be any kind of successful witness to his kingdom....

---YOU, TOO CAN...send your opinions to UPLIFTERLAND@webtv.net to join in this new series.....thanks...

[This webpage was created by Kenny Mitchell and all those who gave their opinions. In some cases, the real names were withheld, but in any case, if you helped....Thanks...May all the Glory go to God...®2007 WebUplifterMinistries]

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