:::::p r e s e n t s:::::


????---When You read in the Bible in the book of Revelation how close do you think we are to the second coming of Christ???


:::from Dianne...

I am not a fortune teller--do not claim to know anything about the future, but I know by reading my Bible that the LORD IS COMING BACK AND LIKE MY GREAT GREAT GRANDMA told me....Every day it gets closer...That is fact.
We are not going in reverse so that means that we are all rapidly-ready or not--for the Judgment Day..which in my own opinion, is very soon and I WILL BE READY!!!

Will You..?

I will pray for each one on this list that they take a second look and start muliple visits with Jesus through pray so they won't have to wonder....

:::from George...

It is so obvious that we overlook it, and go on our merry way, doing our own thing, and pretending we have it all tied up...Until that day we wake up and it is TOO LATE!!!

As I write this I pray...just in case, something I forgot...to talk to Jesus about...
Going to Heaven is the most important and final trip I want to make...I hope to see you, too..

:::from Gary...

You don't have to be a Christian to know that the end is coming soon. I guarantee that the devil himself is working so hard right now because he is running out of time.

That is why the world is in such an uproar and things with the weather and everything is just unbelieveable.

I am thankful that someone told me years ago that "JESUS IS COMING SOON!"...I just keep saying that to myself....and YOU KNOW...it is going to happen and now ... now..IT IS SOONER than before!

:::from Claudette...

I shiver at the thought of being "left behind" but I am assured by the blood of Jesus Christ and I am looking forward to meeting Jesus in the air and spending forever in Heaven.

People today do everything, make every excuse for why they are not in church, are NOT protected under the blood of the Lord, and would rather go along and let satan rule their lives.

Many of them do not look like anything demonic...They are very desireable and happy to the public eye.

That is the way Satan works.

It looks really good until it all suddenly gets turned around on you and You realize that satan is the Father of Lies..

Getting to the question, Revelation makes me know that the whole Bible is true and it also makes me know that MY LORD IS COMING SOON!!

and I am going to get to meet HIM in the air and then it only gets better...Wanna know more...Read Your Bible, believe in Jesus and ask Him to forgive your sins...

Let's be ready!!!

:::from Pete...

I am going to surprise alot of people by saying...I have read the Bible, but I am not sure that we have everything exactly right.

If there is a God like everyone talks about.....Why would he play such trivial games with people and their lives. He can do anything so he decides whether john goes to heaven and bill goes to hell.

I am sorry but I don't want a God that watches every move I make and then at the last moment, when we least expect it....Like a dang game show, says...OPPPPS you didn't make it...It doesn't make sense to me...But who am I and why did he make me if I was just gonna end up burning and burning forever simply because I wasn't sure what humans from 1000s of years ago wrote down on scrolls.....Sorry if I have offended anyone....

:::from Evelyn...

I am excited that the Lord is coming soon!!

For generations I have heard this fantastic story...And If I am one of the blessed ones, I won't even have to die. He will draw me up to meet him..PTL...and we can all be one happy family in Heaven...

I do not have alot of education, but I know Jesus loves me and I know when he gets ready he will remove me, anyway he wants, AND I WILL GO TO HEAVEN...

Finally, Yes, what is warned and told in the book of Revelation is coming to be right before all of our eyes.

You need to be ready.

You need to really believe JESUS IS COMING BACK!

It is happening and could happen before I finish this letter.....See You in the air.....It will be worth it all...

---YOU, TOO CAN...send your opinions to UPLIFTERLAND@webtv.net to join in this new series.....thanks...

[This webpage was created by Kenny Mitchell and all those who gave their opinions. In some cases, the real names were withheld, but in any case, if you helped....Thanks...May all the Glory go to God...®2006 WebUplifterMinistries]

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