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????---How does the way we raise children today differ and what problems do they cause later in life that we all will pay for?


...from Donna...

I have three children, I had some and I was pretty young with my first. I am not saying that you get better at raising kids the more you have, but you do--when you admit it, see thing you did with your first that you are not quite so quick to let happen, because you know what happens when you do that, as they get older...

I am not sure that you have to have a nanny brought in to show you what is wrong. YOU KNOW!!!You may not want to admit it...But Your instincts along with asking God to lead and guide you and your family decisions is a good start....You can't be a tyrant but you have to care enough to train....and ask God for help. After all...We are all HIS children....

...from Ruthie...

My boy is now turning five and he drives me to the point of ALMOST losing it sometimes. His father married me, but left after a year of struggling and many arguments that we could handle...Now...Sometimes my son reminds me of him so much....It is hard not to be mad for the wrong reasons...

I just have to stop myself and realize who this is that I am getting OVER MAD at and shake myself and remember that my child is part of me and his father, even if he is gone and not in the picture anymore. Please pray for me that I will trust the Lord in more of my decisions, and I thank Kenny for giving me a chance to tell my story...

...from Sammy...

Everyone has their own way of punishing their kids these days. These special psycho doctors telling us all the new ways.....Spanking after talking and explaining what the punishment is all about...STILL WORK...Just like they did when my parents did it....They did abuse me, they were kind, but got the point across that for all of my life, I would pay for my mistakes and finally, when I got old enough to really understand....JESUS would be there and I could get forgiveness from HIM and as long as I did that and was sincere...

Things would work out right in the end.

This is a really hard work for a child to grow up in, pray alot and God is Our only answers...

...from Carole...

The biggest problem with bringing up your kid the right way is...the support of a decent father is not always there.

Even if you are married, He may be to busy to give you and the child the time they need necessary to help them through each day.

He may feel that his needs are alot more important than his own childs or even supporting the mother who has had her own "office at home problems" and she didn't even have a secretary to help her.

The child also notices this cut chain of command and thrives on it until it to is irritated, confused and worried way too much for a young age to handle.

We, as Parents, are suppose to be molding good character qualities and many of Us...Just don't have the knowledge, care, or time to think of how important it really is...My best solution to this problem, is lots of praying and giving the overwhelming things to GOD and trusting Him to help you work them out...

...from Daniel...

I think this is payback...and Unruly child can sometimes be a gene from years or even decades ago...I think when you find this out, it is often to early, plus many of Us mimic our parents behavior and that is not always good.

Bad parents often breed bad children, pass along bad habits to them because they don't even see it until it is too late. As a Christian who does not have children, I think all Christians should pray from the home and kids that go through all these tragedies.

I know I have some strange opinions, but I also believe that Our Maker has all the answers...

...from Jill...

How do you create or even expose your children to the right surroundings? Ask God! Trust your Gut Feeling while raising your infant.

Don't trust professional writers and doctors to tell you what to do. Every Child is different and unique and everyone has to be handled in their own special way.

That is why we are called individuals, because we are each one of us, different, and are needs are sometimes very different from one another.

I have had two children, three husbands, but only one GOD...He is faithful and I call on Him often, so far, We have survived and that I THINK, is what it is all about....Thanks for reading this...

...from Kelley...

I had an abortion, I looked at the world and decided that it was not a fit world to bring them up in.

People shake their heads in a negative way about this, it is sad when I think...Maybe I did wrong. I have talked to God about it, I haven't really been given a clear answer..I know God forgave me..I don't think I would have another abortion, and I will be alot more careful about getting pregnant again.

Somehow, though I feel less guilty that just letting it be born and put it though the things that some non caring parents do to their children.

...from Debbie...

Ask for help if you are overwhelmed, Don't go over the edge when you feel your nerves are going past what you can handle for the safety of your child.

We all are human, we all make mistakes, and none of Us are perfect parents.

My Children are all grown and gone, and what they do know often mirrors my mistakes, but they are still THEM and responsibile for their actions.

I feel that my husband and I gave them the best we could...We loved them and gave them to God, and that's all we can do, and the best thing we can do as Loving Christian Parents...

---YOU, TOO CAN...send your opinions to UPLIFTERLAND@webtv.net to join in this new series.....thanks...

[This webpage was created by Kenny Mitchell and all those who gave their opinions. In some cases, the real names were withheld, but in any case, if you helped....Thanks...May all the Glory go to God...®2006 WebUplifterMinistries]

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