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????---When you stand before God, how do you think He will react and what will he say to those who have been abusive to animals, children, and other helpless creations of life?---


...from Selena...

I can't even stand when I am driving down the highway and an opossum his hit while trying to cross.
I know God protects things that can't protect themselves, and I know that children that haven't reached the age of accountablilty, will go to Heaven, regardless, but the Bible says something about causing the wrath of a child...and to abuse, tease, and do bodily and mental harm to another person or animal that really can not defend themselves is just not right...I think it is a SIN ....and I think those who are mean in such way will not make it into heaven....So...think about it more carefully when you child or your pet or whoever, even your wife....or husband...makes you lose your temper and your are cruel....are you in God's favor...I think not!!!!Just the way I feel and the babies and the animals can't speak for themselves....

...from Michael...

God created Man to rule the kingdom or the world....The Bible says, He saw that it was good and He had dominion over all things...creatures big and small.....So Man, meaning...I think...The adult, male or female, may have more rights than say a spider or a leaf or even the family dog. These are things that you may do in rage and then be sorry later for....God does forgive and I don't think that cruelty is an unpardonable sin...

...from Nancy...

Killing is one of the commandments we have to follow....The commandment says THOU SHALT NOT KILL....it doesn't give a list of what not to kill...
I think that abuse is sometimes, many times much worse than just out right killing an animal or person....So the word ABUSE should and I think WILL get a stiffer penalty at the gates of Heaven, unless we get forgiveness for it ahead of time....

...from Shanda...

I can't think of anything that is worse for a person to do than to abuse anything that can't fight back.
Anywhere from an animal, defenseless, to a baby or child, to inflict any kind of mental/physical torture or abuse, even sexual abuse causes God to be very upset, I am for sure of that....
He may forgive us, but if we don't think it is wrong, what then? I think we better be very careful what we do during our lives....
Christians can be cruel because they are still just ordinary people, forgiven by God and Jesus' blood...

Abuse goes deeper and it is almost satanic and if left uncontrolled can be very devistating for years to come and create a chain of demonic problems for many generations....God is the answer, but you must identify that you have a problem and STOP!!!

...from Dave...

I wasn't going to write my feelings on this subject, because the majority of people will say NO NO NO...but then they secret gossip, hurt, kick the animals when they think that no one is looking....GOD IS LOOKING....The type of people that abuse and think they are getting away with it...boy, will they be surprised when the gate slams shut on them......

...from Jeremy...

I was an abuser, God forgave me, I spent time in the pen for it..I had to watch the corners, cause many guys wanted to kill me...
It is so easy to fall into the trap...so easy to make it seem right and before you know it your are the ANIMAL and not the defenseless one that you are abusing. I learned to justify all my actions and it just got worse not better....It was such an urge to abuse and attack not even think of the end results at all.

But GOD changed my life and although they say --you can't change that stuff when it is in your mind-- God created me as well as those I took advantage of and I know where I am going when I die...

---YOU, TOO CAN...send your opinions to UPLIFTERLAND@webtv.net to join in this new series.....thanks...

[This webpage was created by Kenny Mitchell and all those who gave their opinions. In some cases, the real names were withheld, but in any case, if you helped....Thanks...May all the Glory go to God...®2006 WebUplifterMinistries]

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