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????---What do you think about Christian and Non-Christian Marriages..Will they work...are they suppose to work according to the Bible?---


...from Betty...

...My basic opinion on this is that not one person in this world knows the true meaning/feeling of love until they meet God and have Jesus in their hearts. So, you can have all sorts of emotions including the number one dealing with realtionships is attraction and lust but without Jesus guiding your marriage, ooohhh.. don't know if I would trust going there....

...from Wayne...

When I got married the first time my Wife was a Catholic.

The first two years were ok, I would go to Church with her and her parents, then go down the street to mine, but she would not go with me.

First she would not go with me, then in a few years, She quit the Catholics, too.

She finally had an extra-marital relationship, I found out about it.....She remarried and died of cancer......

My # 2 marriage I asked God to be there and he was we are still married it will be 9 years Dec. 19th and she STILL LOVES ME. People joking around tell her She needs a new one and she says no way, I got the perfect one now.

There will never be a #3....

...from Bee and Caryl....Just read the Bible it says...unequally yolked in marriage is NOT a good idea at all......That is what I think, too.....Everyone needs God for everything...

...from Billy...

As I look around this world today....So many people just "dropping in and out of relationships, innocent children being born out of wedlock, and the last thing they have on their minds is MORALITY and GOD in their lives or what effect it will have on the future generations....

Many people forget that your sins don't always stop with You....They could effect generations down the line.....Think about that the next time you disobey God....and especially if you are thinking of getting married and you are not including God in it....

...from Sylvia...

Lust is NOT love nor is Lust ordained by God anytime...in any type of relationship....Seek God first, then look for your mate...He will send the right one...and that is the only way it will really work anyway....

...from Kate...

No, I do not think a saved man or woman should marry an unsaved person.

The reason being a Christian comes from a different persective on living life.

  The best way I can describe it, I know a few women who got saved and their husbands didn't want any part of "church".

So, lots of conflict because life changes for both.

  The whole relationship changes in dynamics. Values change, the person now does not want to live a non-christian life and many do not go to church anymore because of the conflict their husband imposed and they still are married and have kids so they 'settle' and compremise to avoid more conflict, like divorce.

 They have to work a stragedy for trying to live not like before and in conflict withself, and their spouse...

...from ANDY...

When my wife and me got married, I was young, had been raised in Christian Home and knew all about God, going to church, the whole Christian Thing.....

In fact, I had been raised my entire life in church and had good moral parents...

Her being a Christian, Jew, or Atheist did not matter to me, I now know, I was not marrying for anything but to have someone warm in bed with me.....It was fun for a month or two, then satan fully stepped in, I gave up quickly, and HE WON, I LOST and was LOST, and eventually the "love" went down the drain, and So, did Our marriage....NOPE...I will not work without God in the Picture...Don't try this at your home......without God....

---YOU, TOO CAN...send your opinions to UPLIFTERLAND@webtv.net to join in this new series.....thanks...

[This webpage was created by Kenny Mitchell and all those who gave their opinions. In some cases, the real names were withheld, but in any case, if you helped....Thanks...May all the Glory go to God...®2006 WebUplifterMinistries]

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