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---From JUDY:

...When I feel like God is far away,I begin to sing and praise him. Once I get into the song,Yes Lord,I begin to pray,when I do this, I feel his presence and I know it was not God far away but I had stepped a foot or two to the left and I was not suppose to do that. God is never far away,the devil makes it seem this way,most people start listening to the thoughts going on in their minds,and say well I can't hear Him He isn't listening to me,but  God hears all and everything we have to say,and he sees what we do at all times he is never far away from us....

---From DANNY:

...You gotta pray!!!and not just when things are going wrong....EVERYDAY...give GOD praise, and let HIM KNOW that you believe that HE IS GOD and HE made YOU and nothing that happens each day can't be handle by HIM and You.
It is the devil who puts negative thoughts in your head in the first place.
So...even if the clouds are thick and the evilness is all around you....GOD IS STILL THERE....get closer and pour out the tears of faith from your heart.....It works, I am living proof of that and you are, too....

---From Lela:

...When i first start thinking that God is far away from me, i feel sad, i look inside myself.  What has  been  my thinking about lately,  what is my behaviour been lately, what has changed in my life, an attitude i am having, am i wanting something, waiting for some thing to happen, prayers that have gone unanswered and  for so long, that i feel should be answered.

  And i might see something that is wrong within myself.

     Maybe i am not praying for God's will but my own will to be done and soon and like now. Perhaps my prayers are i want , instead of asking God what He wants.

  Sometimes when i feel God is far away, i think of the times when i felt Him close and it feels warm for a while.  And i want to feel that all the time,  but it isn't there. 

  I talk to God.  I spill my guts.   Sometimes  my voice is very quiet, sometimes just regular sounding, and sometimes i am yelling.

  Sometimes i talk with sadness, sometimes with anger, with depression, with anxiety, some times out of sorrows, i can't go on, anymore God.  Sometimes why, sometimes  if You cared my life would be, other times i tell God i am so sorry for my wrongs, my sinning ways, and i ask for forgiveness.

    And i tell God, "you feel very far away from me, and i don't like it"... i like it when i feel your presence, but then i think it is a gift from God when i do.  And i can always recall the goodness of that feeling."

  I ask God to show me my way, in this world and my own enviroment because i know i am dependent and depend on God every day of my life.  And sometimes i am not as grateful as i should be for all He gives me, and sometimes i take it for granted what i have, even though i thank God every night.

  And i ask and i tell God, take me home, why am i still here?  What is my purpose?  This is it ? and i rhyme off all the things in my life, how hard it is , and i know i had it 100 percent harder before, but it is still hard and not working like i want and if you cared enough, or You said  and i don't have ..... 

  Sometimes i yell, "WHERE ARE YOU...GOD???".

  God gave me emotions, and i feel i can always use  them to talk to God, without guilt.  He knows anyway....

---From KATELYN:

....You know, Even if we are Christians, we do forget that it takes action, not just thinking about doing the right thing, like PRAYING....but you have to fall on your face and look up to GOD, in faith, you can't just think about it.
Not just talking the talk but walking the walk, one preacher once put it...
God is always in the right place, the same place, and we are the ones who have the free will to move about...CLOSE and FAR from HIM...He knows how Pitiful we are, but stil HE wants Our love and HE DOES CARE ABOUT US....ALL OF US!!!

So..If you are at the point that you are thinking GOD DOESN't CARE ABOUT YOU.....GIVE UP THOSE THOUGHTS....and look to GOD, really with both eyes OPEN...and your heart and soul in tune with HIM and listen to what HE Tells You...

---From EDDIE:

...The devil is try so hard, right now, more than ever before, is my belief. He knows Jesus is Coming SOON!!! his time is very limited and he knows that His followers and he will soon we cast into that lake of fire for eternity..
GOD IS STANDING BY, I imagine Jesus is almost breaking a sweat, and wringing His hands saying to GOD -- "dad, WHEN oh WHEN can I go get OUR PEOPLE from all this mess??"
Do not fear though, because GOD KNOWS IT ALL AND HE MAYBE waiting ON YOU!!

He doesn't want any of his creation to go to hell.....So get closer to HIM....GOD will not run from you..Make the move now.....that is all that it takes....YOUR FAITH!!!IT still does wonders with GOD!!!

---From EARNEST:

When I feel God is so far away.... I keep reminding myself of His great promise.

He says He will never leave me or forsake me. God has never lied.
I keep reminding myself .... God always answers every prayer... ( Sometimes the answer is NO!!! )

  Everything is in His own time. He really does know what's BEST!!!


---From TAMMY:

After thinking about this topic for awhile. I wrote several paragraphs and then decided to scrap them and start over.
They didn't make sense after I read them over, They were trivial things that a weak human would say as an excuse by not being where THEY should be, so.....GOD ISN'T PLAYING HIDE AND SEEK...HE ISN'T PLAYING GAMES AT ALL....Humans play games....If God isn't hiding and your are not seeking....THEN I SEE TWO PROBLEMS....and they are caused by YOU (or me) NOT GOD.

Grow up and stop being a little baby. GOD EXPECTS YOU TO GROW IN HIM, learn, obey and TRUST HIM.

He is waiting FOR YOU...In the very same place you found HIM....SEEK HIM OUT AND STAY CLOSE TO HIM....

---From ELLY...

You have BLOCKED HIS CALL TO YOU!...God cannot bless or answer any prayers if you are BLOCKING HIM with HUMAN mistrust and lack of faith....He continues watching and calling and waiting for you to let HIM KNOW....You want HIM!
He will never PUSH himself upon anyone no matter how much HE HATES TO SEE YOU SUFFER.

It is simple faith, too. It is not a hard thing to practice and follow.


.... ---This page was created in February 2008.---

---YOU, TOO CAN...send your opinions to UPLIFTERLAND@webtv.net to join in this new series.....thanks...

[This webpage was created by Kenny Mitchell and all those who gave their opinions. In some cases, the real names were withheld, but in any case, if you helped....Thanks...May all the Glory go to God...®2008 Uplifterland Ministries.]

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