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---From JAMES:

...I think fun is a childish thing, that you still want to have, but as you grow older, you find new ways to name it.

As for as what the Bible says, I think God had many different ways of telling Us, that it was ok to have fun.....Words like, laughter, merriment, happiness, and joy..are his ways of saying as long as it is good and not sinful, and it feels good, then by all means, HE APPROVES...he even reminds Us that laughter is the best medicine....not craziness, or absurdity, but cheerfulness without liquor and as I said earlier, laughing with someone and not at them....

---From Keith:

...Fun is when you do something that makes you feel like you did when you were carefree. It doesn't exist as much with adults, because we are called to be responsible and prepared for the way of the Lord, which is not FUN but it is everlasting and it is needed to have a GOOD and wonderful life with the Lord....That is what I think.....I think we all can find ways of having FUN and serving God during Our lives, God is just to important to be a fun or funny thing....

---From Lucille:

A little laughter never hurt anyone!
I don't think God intended on Us going around with a frown on Our face, all smug or suttle like we were afraid to move.

He intended for Us to have an extended array of very positive attributes. I think just having fun without any regard for anyone else, is selfish and I don't think that pleases God.
I don't think it is a deadly sin to have FUN once in a while, but I think you can carry anything too far when it comes to FUN or RELIGIOUS charters and rules.
God wants your heart and it wants it to be a caring, pure, and loving one.
If the fun you have doesn't hurt anyone, including yourself, go on and have a hoot or two....Just remember, others are watching and we, as Christians want to set the example that God told Us to if we are to be pleasing to Him....

---From BETTY:

...If you had a party and Jesus came...What games would you play? Hum.....Say 'PIN THE TAIL ON THE DONKEY' He probably would not find any humor in people trying to poke holes in the behinds of animals and covering up the eyesight that he had given to them and pretending to be blind......So..I guess we mark that one off....What about 'SPIN THE BOTTLE'...HUM??? If the spin landed on YOU and HIM what would you do with HIM?...That could be a little strange if it were ME, I think!!
Maybe we should change the order of events intead of having games, because I don't even think it would be fun to have march around chair only to fall down when the one He picked wasn't there anymore.
I think it would be beyond FUN if Jesus came to MY PARTY!
Maybe that would be a good topic for a future INNER VIEW!...

---From EARNEST:

I am too old to have FUN....yep....I like to watch others have fun....and I am satisfied with that......I like to play checkers still but may fall asleep in the middle of a game. Right now my feeble eyes are looking for the second coming of Jesus Christ, that will be FUN to Me...then folks will quit telling me I am just blabbering and an old fool when I talk about the STREETS OF GOLD in Heaven....I don't walk too good here, but there I can run and skip....That will be FUN TO ME....


In this life, we think we have FUN, but the length of the postiveness of this joviality is very short, compared to the length of eternity when we are taken Up by Jesus and He shows us why there isn't FUN in heaven. FUN doesn't last, but FOREVER with Jesus will be way better than any earthly fun I can think about...

---From RUTH...

I am not sure what I would call FUN now. As I have gotten older and it didn't take much to amuse me as a child. Maybe I have outgrown FUN?
So...after Fun, comes what, Responsibility--Most of the time that is NOT FUN....I think as an adult that PEACE is FUN.
Not having to WORRY or FRET about things that are going to happen. Stuff like NOT ENOUGH MONEY....NO WORRIES...that would be great and then I could just relax, breathe a sigh of relief, and maybe a harmless giggle would sneak out, that would be FUN to ME!...

---From DIANNE:...

FUN is an extra thing, it is a thing that not everyone is allowed to have, some because they are not rich enough, some because they are poor, some because they don't even know it exists....but...GOD KNEW there would be days like that for everyone.....So HE created much better things than FUN......If we all join together and believe by Faith in His love for Us, and Jesus, His sacrifice for Us, then we can forget about FUN....Who needs it, when you know you are going to spend AN EVERLASTING PERFECT LIFE IN THE PROMISED LAND, HEAVEN, just look it up in the Bible and believe it.
And they all said,...AMEN!!!

---From TEDDY:...

Fun is to be able to play games, and to be a child at heart.

Just because we grow old doesn't mean we have to stop doing what we've always enjoyed.

I still enjoy coloring, doing puzzles, play doh, things a child does.

  God says let there be light in your life.
I believe God wants his people to enjoy life within his will.
We are filled with laughter and joy.

Proverbs 17:22 says:

A cheerful heart is a good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones.

---YOU, TOO CAN...send your opinions to UPLIFTERLAND@webtv.net to join in this new series.....thanks...

[This webpage was created by Kenny Mitchell and all those who gave their opinions. In some cases, the real names were withheld, but in any case, if you helped....Thanks...May all the Glory go to God...®2008 Uplifterland Ministries.]

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