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---from EDDIE:...

When I first looked at this assignment, it looked rather simple. But when you really think about God making a movie about your life....HE KNOWS IT ALL...yipes....but, maybe, the sins that were forgiven HE COULD NOT USE BECAUSE HE WOULD NOT REMEMBER THEM....So...by my admission that I have given my heart to God, and I pray that He takes care of me day by day....The movie may be boring a bit, no violence for sure, but WOW...what an ending...So...You want a title...ahhh...EDDIE GOES UP FOR HIS REWARD!....that will work...It would be rated "G" and that for have to stand for GOD APPROVED!!!I think I will stop here while this little ditty has some structure to it.....

---from DELORES:...

I think their would be many more people that would make more exciting shows or stories than I would. I love the Lord...Maybe thats what He would want to show the world....
As I think about it...would you be forced to watch it Or would you pay to see it...hum.... I would like Mary the Mother of Jesus to play the part of Me...Just because he WOULD be able to get her and that might bring more folks to see it....I don't know...Does that sound silly!

---from GENE:...

It would be an awesome movie, simply because we as humans have no idea what GOD would do in that capacity. Look what he did with his bare hands when he created everything.
I think I would like to Play myself, except those parts that I wouldn't wanna relive. You know ... the sad stuff like when grandma died or a house burned down...etc...

I think everyone has a great Life story and even greater if they finally give it to God and he patches up the rough spots...We would all appear as Great People with Clean Souls. In fact that would make a good title for it. A GREAT PERSON WITH A CLEAN SOUL!...and then I woke up...ha ha....

---from TABETHA:...

I was born the living of twins. I was kept alive because God sent the best of the other twin to me and made me a very special person.
The movie would be called X-TWINS or something like that and the name would stir up enough curosity to get people to come and maybe God would somehow take my life and make a message for the world to accept before it is too late. That would be much better than anything like fame or money for Me...

---from CONNIE:...

WOW...Never been in a movie or had a movie about little Me. Imagine GOD asking you permission to do a movie on YOUR LIFE. Someday according to the Bible...We will stand before all the world and Our lives will flash before them....all those things we never ask forgiveness for...WILL BE THERE FOR ALL TO SEE....and when it is all said and done...GOD WILL BE OUR JUDGE---on final time.....and I dont want to hear those words from him...DEPART FROM ME YOU WORKERS OF INIQUITY, I NEVER KNEW YOU!!!

That really puts a shiver all over me.....Since this is just for Our own reading....I think I would ask God to forgive me FIRST for anything I may have forgotten to mention, before I would be comfortable in letting the world know the real me, even if I am a good person and even if I am a Christian.....

---from JAY:...

Let Me do this INNER VIEW topic in a way like you were looking at a "MOVIE POSTER" or an ad for a coming event...
The second greatest story every told!!Written and Produced by GOD HIMSELF...about JAY THE HUMAN....WOW..What things happen here YOU WILL NOT BELIEVE!!!

---from GENEVA:...

I think that God would make the movie just for me. Then maybe it would be just what I wanted it to be....You know..Beautiful sunsets, flowers, scenery beyond anything I could Imagine. Maybe He would show me entering Heaven. That would be a good place to start my life, but then, I guess eternity would require too much video tape..I think I would like it because God took the time to make ME FEEL SPECIAL...But You know...We are all special in His sight....We all learnt that when we were little kids...Ha ha...I think I am rambling but the topic could go so many different ways.
But I can't think of anyone I would trust anymore than God to do it right...

---from TOM:...

It would start with my birth, or shortly after ...I was a cute kid, so lots of people smiling, It would show me growing up and I know I probably did so naughty things back then, but who remembers that bad stuff, I wouldn't want Him to include the negative side of my life.
Most of my life has been pretty good and I have been that bad of a guy.
I don't think He would call it TOM TERRIFIC though....A Good title for mine would be...TOM TOM YOU CAN'T BEAT HIM MUCH!!! or something like that..I am sure He could do a better job making the movie than I could telling you what I think He would do with my life.

---from EVE:...

As a Christian, I think that would be neat, especially since I am a recent Christian. It would show all the nice things and God would have forgiven me of the bad stuff I did, So, It would either be a very short reel or He would just show the sweet part of me.
I just wonder myself if the people who really know me would recognize me after the movie was shown...Especially if He did not use my real name....I don't think I would want others to see it anyway....I think that is something between God and You and if you have been forgiven then it is forgotten. If God doesn't remember things you do wrong when you ask forgiveness...Then there is no reason that humans should have to know about it.

---YOU, TOO CAN...send your opinions to UPLIFTERLAND@webtv.net to join in this new series.....thanks...

[This webpage was created by Kenny Mitchell and all those who gave their opinions. In some cases, the real names were withheld, but in any case, if you helped....Thanks...May all the Glory go to God...®2007 WebUplifterMinistries]

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