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????---How do you feel about last breath confessions and how patient is God about waiting for a person to REALLY turn from wrong to right?---


...from JOE...

I think God knows Our true heart from conception until that last breath....So, the main thing is--you can't lie to God anyway....So..Get saved! NOW!! and enjoy your benefits here on earth, too...

...from JANET...

I think it is according to how long it has been and whether or not your heart is hardened and Jesus CAN'T get in....If you have turned Him away millions of times....I feel each time you reject Him he steps one step back....How good is God's hearing....Hum...I don't want to find out...

...from KATHIE...

I believe when people are at death door, and they accept Jesus as their Saviour, it is a very happy time for all.

..And just how much patience does God give a person?

  Well, He gave me so many years..

I am so happy God is a patience God.

...from Carole...

I truely believe that even at your last breath God is giving you that last chance to receive Him as your Saviour.In God's Word He says "i wish that not one should perish.Also all thru the bible you find God being very patient with His people.Even thru the book of Revelations He is still crying out to those who will listen Repent and follw Me! God's Love is unconditional and even when we were yet sinners ,Jesus died for our sins!!!!!!AMEN!!!!!!We serve a good GOD! alleluia!!!!!!!!!!!

...from Donald...

I believe God wants all of Us to meet Him in Heaven someday..but he does not lie either.
He says many times as a warning as well as in love ---he is sending Jesus back again for all those who are ready, pure in heart, and only the righteous in his eyes are going to enter those sacred gates....
Since He created me, God above all will know whether I really love him or not....

...from Kate...

Some people go around saying....God is a good God....How would He send anyone to HELL???
but I tell each of You know....It is your choice....Not GOD's...So of all the foolish mistakes we make...I pray that is the one thing we KNOW FOR SURE...before we die or the Lord comes back....

...from TIMMY...

I am not a writer, but felt I needed to let anyone who thinks it is a free ride to Heaven...They are mistaken...Jesus died on the Cross..for Our sins...but we have to REALLY BELIEVE that and accept that HE IS OUR SAVIOR....Otherwise we can have all sorts or wrong information on that subject that will not get you anywhere....especially to Heaven and Eternity will be awful if you don't get there...

...from ELAINE...

I work in a Nursing Home so I see alot of last breath confessions going on.

   I try so hard not to stand in judgment and in the back of my head I hope they had a good, honest, happy life, fulfilling life.

  I personally don't believe that last breath confessions are for me.

  I want to live a life so that I don't have to do that.

  I ask for forgiveness on a daily basis even if it is, "Lord if I have dishonored you in anyway today, I am not aware of it,  Make me aware so that I don't do it again and forgive me if I have done anything that wasn't holy."

  That was just an example.

  Other times I know that I did wrong and ask for forgiveness right away.

  ...from DENNY...

Why wait until the last minute when you can have a much better life here on Earth, with God and Jesus to turn to anytime, all the time....I don't understand why God would want a wicked person that a the last second, I want to be good....but...that is why I am a human and I serve an all-knowing God....

---YOU, TOO CAN...send your opinions to UplifterlandEAST@gmail.com to join in this new series.....thanks...

[This webpage was created by Kenny Mitchell and all those who gave their opinions. In some cases, the real names were withheld, but in any case, if you helped....Thanks...May all the Glory go to God...®2006 WebUplifterMinistries]

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