~~p r e s e n t s:~~

On the first week of July 2001, I recieved gifts of the most special kind.
Inspired Gifts from the Heart.
Two poems written for me, about me, by two very talented ladies.

I am deeply touched and blessed by accepting these most honorable tokens of God's love, because I know they were written, with directions from God, at a time that He knew what I needed more than me....

I proudly share the two works sent to me by these fine represenatives of the Uplifter Family and God's Kingdom...

••••••At Kenny's House•••••

written by Jane Buchanan

At Kenny's house not a day goes by When hard work lays to rest.

Clip here, paste there, Save this file! He gives us all his best !!!

The demanding pace--the steady stream Of prayer requests and woes..

Tend to settle on his shoulders, broad... But he's not swayed to or fro.

His Father's tireless Warrior,

Every dawn's new light he sees...

Cause he has our needs nailed to a list

And he's down here on his knees

When the evening sun is setting

At his desk he still is found,

Always one last image yet to spin,

One last thought to come write down.

God please look down on this warrior

See his every little need...

Be his strength when shadows overcome

Water all his faithful seeds

Tell him he can make a wall for us,

---Hug us there for all to see,

But it us who should be (( hugging )) HIM,

Just for who he chose to be....



••••For Kenny....••••

Written by Elaine Knight

For Kenny, who brightens so many lives in so many ways.

God Bless You, Kenny

This world is cold and lonely

without you on the net.

Everytime I think of it

I break out into a sweat.

I have ask the Lord for things

I really didn't deserve.

Kindly he gave them to me and said,

"there's plenty in reserve."

He gave me kindest parents,

brothers and sisters, too.

But when I need a friend,

Kenny, he gave me you.

I know that we are far apart,

but remember this for me.

If you ever need me,

I'll be there through all eternity.

ฎ2001--Elaine Knight....


If you would like to become a member of the Uplifter Family or you would just like to send me a note or something to put on our pages..I would love to hear from you..click below..