~:~:~p r e s e n t i n g~:~:~

...And now..to introduce our two special speakers, we present Mr. Leo, King of the Jungle, East Side Chapter....

Ladies and Gentlemen, there has been a rising up in the animal kingdom, with the help of the stronger, and bolder creatures, some important issues will now be presented to each of you....

With the help of the Mighty Elephant, the Lion, King of the Jungle, and several water creatures including the Dolphin, the Great White Shark and the Whale, they have cleared time at this season for two smaller, timid creatures to be able to speak on something that has plagued them for years.....

Up to speak first is....The Hen.......

For years now, my children and my unborn children have been taken away from me, even more so, during this Easter Season, and I have witnessed the death of many of my friends babies due to harmful coloring put on them in celebration of Easter.

I have you know, knowing God, personally as I do, and knowing that He created me and my offspring.
They were never intended to be used to take the place of His Son dying on the Cross for your Human's Sins and to replace the true meaning of this Spriitual Season.....

I think all of you should take a second look at why my babies and unborn babies are taken and their bodies or shells colored, stomped on, and eaten during this season and how that has anything to do with celbrating life.

Thank you......

AND NOW WE GIVE YOU...Mr. Bunny......

Folks, to this day, I can't figure out how my family and my decendants got mixed up with chicken eggs to begin with. It just doesn't make sense.

Sure, you humans can breed us, and pen us up and tie little bows around our necks, but what, for God's sake, does this have to do with the true meaning of Easter?

I have lost so many members of my family when humans decide to buy my kinfolks kids from pet stores and noone knows how to take care of a bunny....They get tired of the little baby bunnies and let them loose and they never find their way back home......That doesn't sound like Easter to me.....

And people, if any of you have any type of heart, I suggest you focus on the true meaning of Easter
...Its not bunnys and chicken eggs....It is Our Creator who sent His son to give His life for YOU...not even for Us Bunnies and Chickens...For you PEOPLE......

So please People, start being more HUMAN and figure out what God really wants you to be celebrating.....
Leave the Eggs, Chicks, and Bunnies alone and let us do what God has intended Us to do....

Just think about it. There wasn't anything CHICKEN about Jesus on Calvary.

Thank you.......

-----written by Kenny Mitchell ® 2002----

[This webpage was written and created by Kenny Mitchell for WebUplifterMinistries and We hope you will share this with your friends, especially during the Easter Season]