•••p r e s e n t s•••


•••The Spiritual State of USA•••

***Written By Kenny Mitchell***

We the people of the United States of America are just beginning to see some dark clouds ahead, that will very likely, rain on our so-called parade of Christian Life.....
Many of Us have become big ole fat spoiled babies and think that we can basically tear our leaflet portion of the Bible out, underline the parts that are most adaptable to our own lives, and then carry on with mainstream America, and I am saddened to say that our mainstream has become very polluted this past generation.

Despite of all this, America is still One of the most, if not the very most blessed Countries in the World, We are the modern day Garden of Eden, and Yes, thank God, we do have many, hard-working, praying Christians that pray night and day, as the Bible instructs.

There are others though that have taken this Garden of Eden and it's many wonderful Freedoms and not only eaten of the forbidden fruit but have taken a chainsaw and started cutting the branches off, section by section, and no we are no longer concerned that we are NAKED, in fact, that is the style, show the flesh, train your child as soon as possible that the only way to get through life is with their sexuality and how much money they have.

Why are there so many prayer needs in our country today?
Because we have so many today that need to be praying!

Everytime another blessed elderly Saint is promoted to Heaven, that leaves one less here on earth to stay down on their knees for our country.

This indeed is the day of Salvation, we have more means now to promote the Lord Jesus Christ and less time to do it.
And, my friend, time is not on our side, the hour glass will not be flipped again, Jesus is Coming Very Soon. This is not a dream, nor a time to be sleeping....
So, we better all wake up!!!

[This Webpage was created and written by Kenny Mitchell for WebUplifterMinistries ฎ2003]

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