•••p r e s e n t s•••


•••The Little Things We Take For Granted•••

--Written by Uplifter Member,

Erlene From Canada...

Each of us is given a most precious gift from our Lord. This is the gift of life. We are each given the power to do what we will with it.

Some of us choose to use our life to affect others, while others choose to let others affect their life. For the majority of us...it's a balance of both.

Our Lord gives us 'suggestions' on how to make our lives fulfilling and inspirational to others. Some of us heed this information and strive to accomplish these great requests made of us. Some of us disregard these 'ideas' and spend life wandering in the darkness, happening on periods of 'light' by mere chance and accidental fortune.

No matter what paths each life takes, no matter what direction we choose to take our lives...our 'Lord' is always ready and waiting to welcome us HOME...to accept us and be grateful for the contributions our lives have made, to others. THAT is the most important factor...what contibutions our lives have made for others.

Amidst all this...is the element of time. For some, time is an enemy, because it robs the person of chances to do things the person wants to do and accomplish. For some, time is a ally, because it works with the person to accomplish all the goals and dreams that the person wants to be successful with. For most of us...time is both and enemy and an ally. We struggle each day to make the enemy into an ally...just as the Lord struggles to make US ...His allies. We may not often have or take, the opportunity to be grateful for all the many facets and features of our lives. We may even take these for granted. Then, when the facet is changed or the feature is removed, we realize the loss, and feel remorseful for not acknowledging this precious gift we once possessed.

How stunning it must have been for those who came to realize, the loss of the life of Jesus Christ, here on earth. Through this great event, the Lord attempts to teach us the lesson of being grateful for what we have, while being forgiven for taking for granted, the many gifts in our lives.

When we sit back and acknowledge what we have been blessed with, and when we take the time to give thanks for these 'facets and features' of our lives, we remove the thorns in Jesus' crown and the nails in his hands and feet, and gloriously celebrate our love for the Almighty and what He gives so freely to us.

If we can but take time to say 'thank you', or if we can but take time to do for others freely, we are not taking for granted all that has been given to us. This we can do, when time is either an enemy or an ally!

[This Webpage Series was created by Kenny Mitchell for WebUplifterMinistries ®2003]

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