•••p r e s e n t s•••


•••The Value Of Reading The Bible•••

--Written by Uplifter Member,


This very question has been asked of me by a friend not very many years ago. I remember my answer to her.

When I read my bible it is like I am finally listening to God. My heart opens up and I am uplifted by His words. I am more open to "hear" God while reading my bible.
It gives me a higher understanding of people and there feelings. It gives me answers to my many questions.

OF course I think the real question is How do I apply what I have read in my life??

I often find that after being at church or after opening my bible and reading a while that for the next few moments I am the sweetest person to everyone...I feel no need to gossip or to put anyone down.

However as my human part takes over.....I find myself slipping back into the same old habits that are not obedient with God.

I no longer drink or smoke and will be free from both --it will be a year in September---since the doctor told me to quit ....but you see I think and Some may call me crazy but I think that Jesus held me and that He gave me a second chance-(for those that don't know I was in a bad accident that could have easily killed me.)
that day.
I have not got over my accident and some are tired of me talking about it .....however.....I was going the wrong way.....and my bible had not been opened for at least 2 years.

I had started to open it up and go back to church in July before the accident in September last year.

However the weekend before the accident I had been so drunk that my uncle had to drive me back to his house....

I had slipped once again.

You see reading the bible makes a huge difference. Even though I had slipped I am a child of God. As a child you should listen to your parents. As a child of God you should Read His Words.

He will talk with you about all your problems and He will help you through.

-----thanks for reading this...sherry..

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[This Website Series was created by Kenny Mitchell and this Essay was written by Uplifter Member, Sherry Campbell ®2003--WebUplifterMinistries.]