•••p r e s e n t s•••


•••Body Tatoos & Piercings•••

~~~Written By Holy-Girl~~~

Well if it is wrong I have broken this one too.

Had my bellybutton pierced..once upon a time. Its taken out and healed now.
Have my ears pierced.

and in drug days... poked my skin with needle and indian ink on my arm.

What I know of each and every one of them IT caused Pain.


      Would God want us to cause pain to the temple...? No!!!

*IS it ok if I used medicine to knock off pain?

WE do that for operations....... operations cause pain..... but needed in order to live.

*God wants the best for his house.... today in society..   adorning our bodies with jewels is considered a beautiful thing... therefore we would be paying respects to our body in beauty and the best of things for this day we live in.

Tit. 2:13 the great appearance of God. People that cause pain to their bodies.. just to feel the pain is flat out wrong... morbid and barbaric.

The word tells us not to be vain in our appearances.
key word VAIN.... it doesn't say rather. LOOK LIKE A DIRTY RAT. IT just says keep your conduct free from vanity. being Vain is not good.

Is it a Holiness deal... or is our salvation depending on this?

I would suppose the journey of our walk. and God perfecting us. is a process.
We are not saved.. yes Lord I accept your gospel save me... I'm sorry for my wrongs..

God shows us thru his word what is right and wrong and that is plain..
flat out..
easy to see and do !

by CHOICE.. we either grow more so in Holiness.... and the process of sanctification grows rapidly by our WILL to apply the word of God in our lives..

  Does our salvation depend on it.. I believe we are more so in danger of not following and Knowing then those not following and not knowing.

  IF you see in the word where it says DO NOT TATTOO then.... Don't do it...

Jesus is a truth speaker.. He doesn't hint around he is plain and obvious..

IF he says HE does not like it... then he doesn't If he says he does then HE DOES....

We often times try to Talk God into liking what we like.... That won't work..

As far as I'm concerned.....

I don't want to cause my body pain because it is the temple.. I wouldn't cause the temple of God Pain...

I do not want to be puffed up and concerned with my appearance to a point of vanity because God does not want that for me.

But do want my appearance to be pleasing and taken care of to a healthy and attractive pleasure.

I believe the word says.. face cream is ok...   even to wear it when fasting...

You see... we have Abrahams wife. Sarah with riches.. who surely had glorious jewels adorning her body..for bringing beauty.
I know Sarah was not found to be Vain!

Do I find peace in the color black or pink...

LOL this could go on forever. 1 Thes says abstain from all appearances of evil..
Is pink evil?
TO look scary is Not God...
to look peaceful is God..

Do not encourage an appearance of evil..by wearing pink lipstick if pink lipstick is an evil coLor in your mind ok!!!!
What is evil to you.. always be honest about it!

  lol "pinK" colors are good. God made colors.

but be freed from evil appearances.

So where do we go with this?
Study the word and ask GOD to show you truth about all matters.
just cuz you like something that is evil doesn't make it good.
and ok.
ANGER can never be a postive feeling.. even if you say but being angry makes me happy.. so its now positive to be so...
Pain can not ever be Pleasure!

don't be foolish.
hate can't be love.. if you say you love to hate. it's still hate.. so pray and submit to that which is good.


[This webseries was created by Kenny Mitchell ®2003 WebUplifterMinistries]