•••p r e s e n t s•••


•••The Worth of The Ten Commandments¸¸•••

-----Written By Anita Brown-----

This world's attitude toward these, God's, laws, is that they were given to us to spoil our fun.

Make a big note of this fact: They were given to us to PROTECT us. Even those who don't want to obey these laws wish everyone else would. The obvious reason is because they themseves don't want to be robbed, murdered, lied about, dishonored, nor violated in any way.

This means that they don't want to keep the 11th commandment....do unto others a you would have them do unto you. This is the twisted logic of Satan. To desire the rights and privileges in life without extending them to others. The sin of selfishness is the prevaling factor in the world today and the cause of most of the problems for society.

Those 10 commandments are the glue that can help us hold on to what sanity and goodness we have left, little as that is.

The blindness of this world is what God's people see. It is self inflicted blindness and brings everyone down.

The collective pain in this world could be almost erraticated if we could only keep these ten, plus one, laws.

Thank God for Jesus Christ who died and rose again to save we poor ignorant and blind humans from their own self destruction. Try to keep those 10 laws so you do right even if others don't.

You will give account someday for YOURSELF and no one else.
If God can create the universe I guess He is smart enough to know what's best for those in it.


[This webpage Series was created by Kenny Mitchell for WebUplifterMinistries ®2003]

••••thank you!••••

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