•••p r e s e n t s•••


•••Modern Day Commercial For Jesus Christ!•••

(Written By Fiona Fox)

Have you ever felt depressed without any reason?

That the weight of the world was on your heart, and you couldn't last much longer?

Or maybe you've felt that there must be something more than there is in our everyday life.

Well... I have something to tell you that will CHANGE YOUR LIFE!

                        TODAY, you have the chance to:

* MAKE A NEW BEST FRIEND (who will comfort your soul, heal your spirit,       and wash you clean of your sins!)

* MEET YOUR HEAVENLY FATHER (who's been waiting for you!)

* BECOME A MEMBER OF A LOVING FAMILY (who you will be with through eternity!)

As with most amazing deals, there are conditions, but not the kind to trick you.

#1 You have to admit that you're a sinner, as all are(Romans 3:23), and that you're on the way to hell(John 3:3).

#2 Believe that Jesus Christ died to wash you of your sins that seperate you from God, and if you claim him as your salvation and Lord of your life, then you will be as a new creation (2 Corinthians 5:17) and spend eternity with God.

#3 Confess before men that Jesus is the Lord of your life, and follow his commandments.
Grow spiritually, and disciple to others and help them to grow and learn, so that you may be united in His cause!

Call on Jesus today, and if you have any questions talk to God, who's word can be found in the Bible, AND to your local pastor and/or born-again Christian friend.

In closing:



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