•••p r e s e n t s•••


•••The Value Of Reading The Bible•••

--Written by Uplifter Member,

•••Anita Brown•••

That book that book, that wonderful book!
Like circumstances and people, each adds something to a persons life. So, too, the Bible, but with the Bible, we somewhat determine the effects by our attitudes and/or our sincerity.

The Bible has given me so much even since I was a kid, and I'm a grandma now.

We all can cite the poetry, history, drama. adventure, science, advice, and encouragement, but there is so much more.

That book has given me a life changing belief system, a guide map to a better way in all things, power to change and maintain my actions and emotions, and all the rules for my PROTECTION as I journey through life and meet hard challenges and circumstances.

We tend to think we are smarter than God. This accounts for most of our disasters in life.

Think of it...we actually pitch our ignorance against God's omnipotent wisdom.

We are aware of our limitations and God's abilities, yet we persist in our folly.

The scriptures are a recipe, a formula, a wonderful potporre of all sides, good and bad. This exposure shows plainly what to do and what not to do.

Yet, We as humans still tend to believe quickly and off hand what some self proclaimed and self promoting guru of the day has to say.

The Bible is my friend, companion. It is my only final truth! And, that which I was expounding in the above obversation, I was too long in finding this out.

I know this now and today I have those real and wonderful, (sometimes elusive) gifts that God bequethes to us through His word.

                        1. Salvation

             2.Peace of mind

           3. Power through the Holy Spirit

Thank God for his Holy Book.


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[This Website Series was created by Kenny Mitchell and this Essay was written by Uplifter Member, Anita Brown ®2004--WebUplifterMinistries.]